Minnesota Senator Eric Lucero banner image

Dear friends and neighbors,


Yesterday, January 15, was Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We reflect on the legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and we reject the division and anger among races actively promoted by powers in our day, and instead strive toward his dream of lifting up content of character over color of skin.

Sen. Lucero was asked to be one of the community judges last week at the NCFCA Christian Speech & Debate League finals in Roseville.

Sen. Lucero’s new signs arrived last week.


Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely


Last week, Minnesota Supreme Court Justice G. Barry Anderson announced his retirement after nearly 20 years of service on the court. Appointed by former Governor Tim Pawlenty in 2004, Justice Anderson is the last Republican-appointed member of the court. When Justice Anderson retires from court in a few months, the 7-member MN Supreme Court will be completely filled with Democrats appointed by Governors Dayton and Walz.


In addition to every seat on the MN Supreme Court, Democrats will have unchecked, iron fist control of every statewide office including both U.S. Senators, Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Auditor, the Governor's office, every Executive Branch Commissioner, and majorities in both the House/Senate. Moreover, Democrats also influence and control policy via the left-wing 17-member Metropolitan Council which has prevue over the approximate 3 million population of the 7-County metro area, Hennepin and Ramsey County Boards (two most populous counties in the state), all statewide regulatory bodies such as the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), and the list goes on.


Despite 49% of Minnesota voters having voted for Republicans in the 2022 Senate election, and having an evenly divided congressional delegation of 4 Republicans and 4 Democrats for the past few years, the 49% of voters supporting Republican policies and priorities in Minnesota go completely ignored in our state government. Democrats are transforming this state with the most radical policies imaginable including raising taxes in time record surplus, mandating menstrual products in boys bathrooms, issuing drivers licenses to illegal foreign nationals, deleting statutory language that expressly excluded pedophilia from being a protected class, and much much more. The once great state is quickly becoming unrecognizable.


Our Republic is established on a core of checks-and-balances and Democrats have zero checks on their power while advancing their radical agenda. This is the reason Minnesota is quickly becoming an ice-cold California with high cost-of-living and lower quality-of-life.

With less than a month until the beginning of the 2024 legislative session (February 12, 2024), I’ve been asked by many constituents if I believe the Democrat majority will back away from the hyper-partisan bills Democrats prioritized last year. With the consequences and unexpected costs of the 2023 session bleeding into 2024, I find it hard to see this as a possibility.


Budget Buster Palace for Politicians


In the backdrop of the 2024 legislative session, across the street from the Capitol, a new palace to government and politicians is actively under construction. The cost to the Minnesota State Office Building renovations has exploded to an outrageous $730 million including interest. It will cost significantly more than the renovations to the State Capitol, construction of the Empire State Building adjusted for inflation, and more than the cost of two skyscrapers in downtown Minneapolis. 

The massive display of reckless spending just outside the Capitol is foreshadowing what we have to expect for 2024. Several of the Democrat's large programs passed in 2023 will need to be revisited and have even more money sunk into them to address unexpected soaring costs including the paid family leave and universal free lunch program. When Democrats passed these programs in 2023, they argued Minnesota could afford it because of our massive budget surplus. Now that the surplus is gone, we are going to see if Democrats legislators learn there really is no such thing as a free lunch, when forced to choose between increasing taxes or cutting spending to keep their socialist programs afloat.


As a non-budget year, I’m hoping my Democrat colleagues are willing to take a step back from spending in favor of a closer look at some of the policies and regulations holding Minnesota back. Below are among the items I will be focusing on in the 2024 legislative session:

  • Correcting the inequity caused by the current, broken education funding formula negatively impacting many school districts across the state such as STMA.
  • Working to reduce mandates driving up the cost of new residential construction and housing costs.
  • Update home owners association (HOA) standards to increase transparency, accountability, and protections for homeowners facing unfair fees and regulations.
  • Protecting citizen’s digital and data privacy against increasing surveillance and data harvesting by government and the tech industry.

In Other Recent News

Thank you to Otsego resident and HERO Mr. Kirk for his lifesaving response to an accident at Hwy 101 and the Crow River in these dangerous temperatures!

Costco is moving forward with intentions to expand in our great community!

Sen. Lucero’s was chief author in the MN House when he was State Representative that resulted in the funding the I-94 expansion. Sen. Lucero will continue to support Albertville’s vision and plan regarding MnDOT’s future I-94 work.

With a straight face, legacy media ignores reality and actually suggests Minneapolis’ empty streets are to be blamed on the skyway system.

Staying In Touch


Each and every day I’m continuously humbled at the opportunity to represent and fight for the values and priorities of our great community!


Please contact me to share any issues, concerns, or feedback you have to assist me best represent you. The best way to reach me is by email at [email protected] or by phone at 651-296-5655.



Eric Lucero


State Senator

District 30

Rockford Township, Hanover, Saint Michael, Albertville, Otsego, Elk River, Nowthen, Western Oak Grove


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2413
St. Paul, MN 55155
