The Long Run PAC


Last night, Donald Trump unsurprisingly won the coveted and critical Iowa Caucus by a landslide.

This shows us a few things:

  1. Donald Trump is the most likely Republican nominee.
  2. Our democracy continues to be in danger of MAGA extremists.
  3. The fight to protect the White House is on.

We don't need to imagine what a Trump White House will look like. We’ve already had to live it.

We’ve seen the court get packed with Republican politicians in robes who will do everything they can to promote their personal agendas.

We’ve seen a pandemic run rampant across our country and claim the lives of millions due to poor leadership.

We’ve seen migrant children be separated from their families and kept in cages at the border.

And we’ve seen the degradation of the oath of office when Trump profited off the Presidency by taking bribes from foreign nationals and used his power to incite an insurrection on our nation’s sacred Capitol.

Nothing is off the table when it comes to a Trump Administration — he made that crystal clear in his four years in office.

And under no circumstance can we give him the chance to inflict any more damage.

We need to do everything we can to ensure Trump gets nowhere close to taking the White House this November — and the path to keeping the White House blue goes right through Wisconsin.

We know we have the power to win if we have your support. So we are asking: Can you please contribute $3 to the Long Run today? We have the power to win Wisconsin and protect our democracy.

The future lies in our hands.

Thank you,



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Paid for by The Long Run PAC, P.O. Box 597
Milwaukee, WI 53201, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.