Cardinal Burke Your Questions!

With a “pandemic of ambiguity” in
the world today and even in the Church, the 'straight answers to
straight questions' voice of Cardinal Burke provides the clarity and
guidance the faithful need.
Jesus reminds us to “Say ‘Yes’ when
you mean ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ when you mean ‘No”. All else is from the Evil
One” (Mt 5:37). That certainly is the virtue of His Eminence—who also
speaks with great charity. A rare gift!
We are all witnessing the great confusion that exists
regarding the Church’s teachings on marriage which has even
penetrated, to some degree, the institution of the Church. In addition
to leading people away from the true teachings, these errors threaten
to cause grave harm to souls,
and in the process, undermine the mission of the Church’s
Many witness this sad state of
affairs and, in desperation, search for answers to better understand
the crisis before them.
I want to assure you that we should
not fear our current circumstances. Rather, we should be very grateful
that we can follow His Eminence, Cardinal Burke, who does not back
down in addressing the confusion in the Church during his
homilies. Here is a good example of what I mean. He
“At a time of great confusion,
regarding the moral teaching of the Church”, St. Alphonsus held
steadfastly to the word of Christ, as it is handed down to us in the
Church. He understood the meaning of the word of Christ, in the Sermon
on the Mount: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and
the prophets, I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them, for
truly I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not
a dot, will pass from the law, until all is accomplished.” And
“Whoever then relaxes the least of these Commandments and teaches men
so, shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven but he who does
them and teaches them, shall be called great in the Kingdom of
Heaven.” (Matthew 5: 17-18,19)
Then His Eminence added:
“In fact, as the Gospel makes
clear, Our Lord condemned those who would fail in their duty to obey
the law and to teach it to others.”
Cardinal Burke is not only a canon
lawyer but an authoritative member of the Church’s hierarchy, filled
with the gifts of the Holy Spirit - especially, wisdom and
knowledge. With a sound and sharp legal mind, His Eminence can answer
questions definitively on Church related topics, the Sacraments, as
well as pastoral and spiritual topics.
Therefore, I would like to invite
you to submit questions you might have regarding important issues in
your life and the role of the Catholic Church in the modern
world. Please take advantage of this notice to send your questions to Cardinal

We at Catholic Action for Faith and
Family are poised to engage in Church issues in 2024, which will usher
in our most important and dynamic year since our founding. We do this
amid a world floundering in a profound decline in moral
Once upon a time the Christian
ideal and its hallowed name of Christendom dominated both peasants and
nobility throughout the Middle Ages—and for good reason; when the
gospel ruled the land, societies flourished.
Each month throughout 2024, His
Eminence will address questions presented to him from our membership
with a perspective of deep faith, sound reasoning and Gospel
directness and charity to help the faithful gain a better
understanding of the essential moral and spiritual challenges of
As the world continues its descent
into moral anarchy and our Church continues to face a crisis in
teaching of the Church’s doctrine and discipline, Cardinal Burke will
not be silent. Nor will
Catholic Action!
your questions now!
Your fellow Rosary Warrior and Faith
Defender in Christ,

Thomas J. McKenna Founder and
President Catholic
Action For Faith And
P.S If you would like to help offset the
studio production costs as well as to enhance our ability to defend
and promote the great treasures of the Church and hand them on to the
next generation, please consider making
a donation.