January 16, 2024  •  Weekly Newsletter
Peter C. Earle (AIER)

It’s difficult to imagine that the US Federal debt was, well within many of our lifetimes, less than one-third the current market capitalization of Apple, Inc. At the end of 2023, however, the US Federal debt surpassed a new milestone: $34 trillion. Can anything be done? READ MORE »
The Independent Review, Winter 2006/07
Ivan Eland (National Interest)

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)—the backdoor loophole for the federal government to violate Americans’ rights—is up for renewal. Congress should let it lapse, restoring the requirement to seek court-approved warrants before the government searches Americans’ data. In other words, Congress, this time, really can do something by simply doing nothing.... READ MORE »
Steve H. Hanke, Francisco Zalles (National Review)

In the late 1980s, Argentina almost tried dollarization, but it never became the law of the land. As they say, the rest is history: one currency crisis after another, resulting in economic and political chaos. But Argentina’s new president, Javier Melei, can succeed where others have failed. And save his country. Dollarize Argentina now! READ MORE »
K. Lloyd Billingsley (American Spectator)

Last June, the U.S. Supreme Court ended racial preferences in higher education. This year will feature a battle to reinstate those preferences, in the state that first eliminated them nearly 30 years ago. A look at the dangers of California Assembly Constitutional Amendment 7 (ACA-7). READ MORE »
Edited by Jonathan J. Bean
The Latest from The Beacon
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Scott Beyer
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