Time to take action ⏰
Hi John,
Late last night, Defendant Trump won the Iowa Caucus with 51% of the vote. This is a less-than-triumphant return, given his chokehold on Republicans across the country. Even when the former MAGA president is a winner, he’s a loser.
Regardless of the outcome of this caucus or any primary, what’s on the 2024 ballot is freedom versus fascism. The time to stop Defendant Trump is before he is elected, not after. Sign up to march and get involved today.
The Iowa Caucus says more about Americans’ material conditions than the former MAGA president’s popularity. Defendant Trump continues to dominate amongst non-college-educated, rural, mostly white, older, and religious individuals who feel neglected by the system.

The only answer to this is to build a movement across race, place, class, and belief that works for us all. Our work is to focus on the real opposition: MAGA fascism and its standard bearers. We will have our marching shoes on their neck until the bitter end.
Are you with us? Go to a march, attend a rally, host a watch party, or canvass your neighborhood. Take action with us to stop fascism from overcoming freedom in our bedrooms, our families, our medical decisions, and our government.
In service,
Women's March