From Ron Paul <[email protected]>
Subject Does Congress care about doing its job?
Date January 16, 2024 7:00 PM
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Last week, from his hospital bed, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin
ordered a strike on Yemen consisting of several dozen old
Tomahawk missiles: an escalatory measure amounting to the start
of a new war.

This is another foreign policy disaster in the making, and it's
hard to imagine a more vivid illustration of a dying empire than
what we've just seen.

As I explain in my most recent column - read it below - it's
profoundly dangerous the congressional leadership of both parties
not only failed to condemn this escalatory (and illegal)
provocation, but actually praised it and called for more.

Far from restraining the President from embroiling us in another
war without required congressional approval, members of Congress
actually seem glad we are going to war without them going on

Read my column below, and if you support Campaign for Liberty's
efforts to end these interventionist no-win wars of aggression,
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For Liberty,

Ron Paul

Congress Asleep as Biden Makes War on Yemen

Late last week President Biden started a new U.S. war on the tiny
country of Yemen. U.S. warships and fighter jets launched more
than a hundred missiles at the country in a massive escalation
that the Administration bizarrely claimed would "de-escalate"
tensions in the Red Sea.

Taking the U.S. to war without a Congressional declaration of war
is a grave crime against the Constitution. Not only did Biden
show no interest in coming to Congress for a war declaration, he
didn't even ask for authorization. Together with Washington's
reliable junior partner in war, the UK, Biden attacked Yemen. It
seems the U.S. Administration consulted more with the UK
government than with the U.S. Congress on the attacks.

But that's not really the worst part. Far from taking action
against this illegal move by an out-of-control president,
Congress as a body couldn't even see fit to criticize the
Administration. On the contrary, Congressional leadership in both
bodies actually applauded President Biden for brazenly violating
U.S. law!

House Speaker Mike Johnson not only praised the illegal move, he
urged the President to go further and confront Iran. He said,
"This action by U.S. and British forces is long overdue, and we
must hope these operations indicate a true shift in the Biden
Administration's approach to Iran and its proxies that are
engaging in such evil and wreaking such havoc."

To their credit, several Members of Biden's own party joined with
a handful of Republican colleagues to denounce a U.S. president
taking the country to war without the authority to do so.
California Rep. Ro Khanna was one of the first Democrats to
criticize Biden's warmaking, stating, "The President's strikes in
Yemen are unconstitutional. For over a month, he consulted an
international coalition to plan them, but never came to Congress
to seek authorization as required by Article I of the

The Framers of the Constitution gave war-making power to Congress
because they understood that leaving such power in the hands of
one person was a recipe for disaster. The role of the president
is to make the case for a war declaration. Congress deliberates
and either authorizes or refuses the proposed action.

Washington has obviously not learned the lessons of Afghanistan,
Iraq, Syria, and all the other failed U.S. interventions over the
past 20 years. Why do we keep losing wars? Because we do not go
into wars according to the U.S. Constitution. This war will be no

The Houthis in Yemen withstood years of attacks from the Saudis
using the latest U.S. weaponry and came out on top. To this point
they have not been targeting U.S. vessels in the Red Sea, but
only ships heading to or from Israeli ports. They are doing so in
opposition to Israel's destruction of Gaza. In short, it was
never our war. But now, with this attack, Biden has made it our

So we are left with the strange and sad spectacle of Congress
asleep at the wheel as a Defense Secretary launches military
strikes from his hospital bed in the service of a president
clearly not in his prime. All this in pursuit of a policy that
makes no sense and is leading us closer to a major war in the
Middle East that will only harm, not serve, the U.S. national
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great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and
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