John, we’ve been telling you for months that Donald Trump’s grip on the GOP is stronger than ever. 

And last night’s Iowa Caucus results made that perfectly clear: 

Donald Trump didn't just squeak out a win, John, he won in a landslide with over 50% of the vote. 

Iowa Republican voters chose to embrace an extremist insurrectionist with 91 felony charges who continues to be one of our greatest threats to democracy as we know it. 

While we don’t know what the rest of the primary season results hold, but we know this: Trump’s extreme, anti-democracy agenda isn’t some fringe movement – it's the mainstream GOP. 

Our BEST line of defense from the GOP is strong, Democratic Secretaries of State who will stand up for the will of the voters. That’s why we’re asking:

Will you make a $3 donation today to elect Democratic Secretaries of State who will fend off attacks from extremist Republicans?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

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