Dear John,

Right now we are all focused on getting through the COVID-19 crisis and finding ways to help our states and communities navigate challenges with smart policy decisions that will keep our families, friends, and communities healthy and safe. When this time of uncertainty ends, and I am confident it will, it will be even more essential that we share our experiences and learning with each other.
I’m looking forward to the time we can all come together in person, which is why I’m pleased to announce that registration for State Policy Network’s 28th Annual Meeting is open. We are closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation, but if all goes well, I hope I will see you at the Chicago Marriott Magnificent Mile in Chicago, IL, on August 31 – September 3, 2020.
As Jonah Berger, bestselling author and one of our plenary speakers this year, says, “When we care, we share.” And that is what Annual Meeting will be about—attendees representing state-based and state-focused organizations from all 50 states coming together to explore ways to improve the lives of workers, families, and individuals across the country.
We’ve put together a program with your needs in mind. Our line-up of training sessions, policy discussions, and networking opportunities will:
  • Inspire you to go further—to think differently and boldly about improving your organization's culture, building teams, spreading ideas, and developing skills in leadership, fundraising, communications, outreach, and more.
  • Provide an environment where policy ideas and strategies can be shared, tested, and sharpened.
  • Connect you with peers, mentors, philanthropic partners, and experts who can help you grow personally and professionally.
Our registration policy also reflects those needs, particularly in regards to flexibility. All registration fees will be eligible for a refund less a $75 cancellation free before August 1, 2020, allowing you to take advantage of the $300 early bird discount, while still having flexibility to adjust your plans as things evolve.
We will share more details in the coming weeks, and I look forward to welcoming you to Chicago at the end of August!


President and CEO, State Policy Network
Copyright © 2020 State Policy Network, All rights reserved.

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