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With open support for genocide – is there a future for Israel?

With open support for genocide – is there a future for Israel?

The following article is based on an interview with Palestinian author and activist Susan Abulhawa by Frank Barat on Dec. 29. Their full conversation can be found at Susan Abulhawa speaking at a rally for Palestine in Philadelphia, November 2023. WW Photo: Joe Piette Frank Barat: How do we . . .

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Fighting for disability rights behind bars

Fighting for disability rights behind bars

By Billy Rinick and Joe Piette “The disproportionate incarceration of people with disabilities in the United States is a serious and growing problem. As the prison population ages, more inmates are reporting physical disabilities. The U.S. has also seen a rise in the number of people with mental illness and . . .

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Acusaciones de violación utilizadas como arma para justificar el genocidio

Acusaciones de violación utilizadas como arma para justificar el genocidio

Para justificar linchamientos, el KKK y otros grupos terroristas de supremacía blanca han invocado durante mucho tiempo el estereotipo racista de que los hombres negros como violadores. Esto incluye a Emmett Till, de 14 años, en 1955, cuyo supuesto delito fue silbar a una mujer blanca en Money, Mississippi. El . . .

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Death is no one if he rides in your saddle; interview with Leila Ghanem about Gaza’s October 7

Death is no one if he rides in your saddle; interview with Leila Ghanem about Gaza’s October 7

By Ángeles Maestro Leila Ghanem Interview in November 2023 with Lebanese anthropologist and communist leader Leila Ghanem, conducted and translated for the Coordination of Communist Nuclei (CNC) by Ángeles Maestro (in the Spanish state). Translation to English for presentation at the Jan. 21 Lenin centennial in New York City: John . . .

Continue reading Death is no one if he rides in your saddle; interview with Leila Ghanem about Gaza’s October 7 at

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