Legislative Leaders Announce Updated Capitol Access Policy for COVID-19
OKLAHOMA CITY – House and Senate leaders on Monday announced restricted access to the Capitol building in response to the COVID-19 challenge in Oklahoma.
Beginning Tuesday, in order to reduce the potential for community spread of COVID-19, access to the Capitol will be restricted to elected state officials, essential Capitol staff, credentialed press and state officials invited to essential meetings. These restrictions are similar to protocols put in place recently at the U.S. Capitol and other capitol buildings nationwide. Read more...

The Oklahoma Democratic Party Central Committee met on Saturday, March 14, 2020, and collectively decided to develop an alternative plan to the Presidential Preferential Convention previously scheduled for April 4, 2020. That plan will be communicated once approved by the DNC.
If you have made reservations with the hotel, please cancel.
~ Oklahoma Democratic Party

The Oklahoma Democratic Party is committed to keeping everyone updated on fast developing news – we will send out future updates as new information develops.
To maintain the health of the employees, volunteers, and visitors of the Oklahoma Democratic Party during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the offices will be closed through April 1, 2020.
The work of the party continues. Staff will be telecommuting. Staff will be responding to voicemails and emails in a timely manner.
The Oklahoma Democratic Party is committed to doing our part to flatten the curve. We will continue to provide updates as needed.
~ Oklahoma Democratic Party

Effective immediately, the Oklahoma Democratic Party’s slate of emergency measures designed to combat the spread of COVID-19 include: Read details...
The challenges we are facing as a nation has had a negative impact on contributions to the Oklahoma Democratic Party. In order to restore leadership to our state and our nation, we need your help. Please make a contribution to ODP today. Every gift helps.