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The RJC Weekly Newsletter
August 8, 2019
Your weekly look at the latest news, analysis,
and RJC activities around the country.
— Featured —
Reflecting on El Paso and Dayton
The RJC joins in the national mourning for the individuals murdered in the two
attacks last weekend in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. Our prayers are with
the wounded and the families whose lives have been shattered by these
horrifying events.
President Trump was very clear in his remarks from the White House this week
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that hate has not place in America, and that Americans must work together to
defeat it:
In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy.
These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America.
Hatred warps the mind, ravages the heart, and devours the soul. We have asked
the FBI to identify all further resources they need to investigate and disrupt
hate crimes and domestic terrorism — whatever they need.
...We can and will stop this evil contagion. In that task, we must honor the
sacred memory of those we have lost by acting as one people. Open wounds cannot
heal if we are divided. We must seek real, bipartisan solutions. We have to do
that in a bipartisan manner. That will truly make America safer and better for
...Republicans and Democrats have proven that we can join together in a
bipartisan fashion to address this plague. Last year, we enacted the STOP
School Violence and Fix NICS Acts into law, providing grants to improve school
safety and strengthening critical background checks for firearm purchases. At
my direction, the Department of Justice banned bump stocks. Last year, we
prosecuted a record number of firearms offenses. But there is so much more that
we have to do.
Now is the time to set destructive partisanship aside — so destructive — and
find the courage to answer hatred with unity, devotion, and love. Our future
is in our control. America will rise to the challenge. We will always have
and we always will win. The choice is ours and ours alone. It is not up to
mentally ill monsters; it is up to us.
Further reading:
* Immigration Restriction Is Not Hate
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-Rich Lowry points out that "the left is doubling down on ruling immigration
restriction out of bounds," but says that calling Trump "a terrorist, a
supporter of terrorism or an enabler or terrorism... is a slander born of
partisan hatred."
* Words That Heal and Words That Don’t
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Karl Rove writes that "unfortunately, we are well past the point when
politicians would stay silent long enough to let the victims’ families and
friends grieve in peace. And I get that over-the-top rhetoric may help improve
some Democrats’ chances to win the nomination. But it seems the more these
White House hopefuls struggle for attention, the more extreme and desperate
they make themselves look."
Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN)
Republican Rep. Tom Emmer Letter Labeled Anti-Semitic
News reports this week
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noted Democrat accusations of anti-Semitism against Rep.Tom Emmer (R-MN), the
chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, for a fundraising
letter sent in March. The letter referred to "hundreds of millions of dollars
of anti-Republican propaganda put out by liberal special interests, funded by
deep-pocketed far-left billionairesGeorge Soros, Tom Steyer and Michael
Bloomberg." Soros and Bloomberg are Jewish. Steyer's father is Jewish, and he
is a practicing Christian. The immense donations from all three men to liberal
campaigns and advocacy against President Trump and his agenda are
well-documented. RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said that the premise of
the accusations over the letter was false
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“Firstly, Tom Steyer isn’t even Jewish, he’s a practicing Episcopalian,”
Brooks said. “Secondly, people can’t simply be shielded from criticism because
they’re Jewish, not when otherwise similar people are criticized for the same
exact actions. If it’s fair to criticize the Kochs, like leading Democrat
presidential candidates have done, then it's fair to criticize the top
Democratic funders.”
Rabbi Hershel Lutch, who led a week-long mission to Israel in which Rep. Emmer
took part,defends Emmer from the charges of anti-Semitism
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and notes:
Falsely accusing someone of anti-Semitism is just as dangerous as not calling
out anti-Semitism when, in fact, it is present. By falsely flagging conduct as
anti-Semitic, we lose our ability to stay focused on combating the very
numerous and extant threats of anti-Semitism — and, importantly, we lose our
credibility to define and identify them.
RJC is Hiring Field Staff for 2020 Outreach
The Republican Jewish Coalition is hiring field staff for our advocacy efforts
in support of PresidentDonald J. Trump’s reelection in various battleground
If you (or someone you know) have relevant political experience and a strong
desire to make an impact at the grassroots level that willwin the White House
in 2020, CLICK HERE <[link removed]> for
details and application information.
— Short Takes —
Daroff named CEO of Conference of Presidents
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Congratulations to RJC alum and good friend William Daroff, who has been
chosen as the next CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish
Organizations. Currently senior vice president for public policy and director
of the Washington office of the Jewish Federations, Daroff will step into the
lead executive role held for 33 years byMalcolm Hoenlein. RJC welcomes new
grassroots staff
We are pleased to welcome two great additions to the RJC team. Sam Markstein
is our new national political director and New York grassroots director. Sam
will take his experience with House, Senate, and presidential campaigns into
the field for RJC's 2020 grassroots outreach.Emma Enig, our new national
grassroots coordinator, will support our local chapters and help grow the RJC
around the country. Pompeo: Trump administration pressure is weakening Iran’s
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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo writes that the US's unprecedented pressure
campaign against the Iranian regime is intended to raise the cost of Iran’s
expansionism and the status quo, while at the same time the US seeks a
comprehensive deal and a far more peaceful, stable relationship. Trump’s
Middle East Plan Undermines The Palestinian Authority’s Stranglehold On
Palestinians’ Future
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Shoshana Bryen calls President Trump's release of an economic plan for the
Palestinians a good move, because it "takes an axe to the notion that all
plans, politics, money, and political benefits have to be filtered through the
'Sole Legitimate Representative of the Palestinian People' — i.e., the PLO or
its successor, the Palestinian Authority (PA)."
— Tweets —
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The RJC is moving to a new email platform over the next few weeks.
We expect the transition to be smooth, but if you don't receive our weekly
e-newsletter on Thursdays as you normally do, please let us know by emailing
[email protected] <mailto:
[email protected]?subject=I'm not getting RJC emails>. Thank
— Events —
Sandy Springs, GA - August 25, 2019
RSVP <[link removed]>
Beachwood, OH - August 27, 2019
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Las Vegas, NV - MARCH 13-15, 2020
REGISTER TODAY! <[link removed]>
— Connect —
Join the RJC Community
If you like the work we’re doing, consider joining us on Facebook, Twitter, or
becoming an RJC member <[link removed]>. Ensure
that your voice is heard in our Party and our community!
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We want to hear from you!
Share your comments and ideas with us here <[link removed]>.
Republican Jewish Coalition | 50 F Street, N.W., Suite 100 | Washington, DC
20001 | 202.638.6688 |
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