Join the charge to safeguard our nation’s values and shape a better tomorrow.
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Dear John,

The very essence of what makes our nation extraordinary – our cherished freedoms, our unparalleled opportunity, our steadfast commitment to the rule of law – is facing unprecedented challenges. The heritage we hold dear is under siege, and the time to stand resolute in defense of our values is now.

I am reaching out to you today not just as someone who shares your concerns, but as a fellow American deeply invested in our nation's future. We are the xxxxxx against the overreach that seeks to undermine our way of life. Each one of us has a crucial role to play in upholding the principles upon which our country was founded. This is our moment to stand up and be counted.

The steps we take today will echo through the ages. I urge you to take a stand with me: Protect the American Dream and ensure a bright future for our children.


Your involvement is not just wanted; it is essential. By taking action, you fortify our collective endeavor to sustain and advance the Republican Party's goals at both the state and national level. Whether it's by supporting our mission to secure a Republican majority in North Carolina ahead of the 2024 Election, safeguarding the House GOP Majority, or striving to claim victory in the US Senate – your participation is the key to success.

Together, we can chart a course towards not just preserving our hallowed traditions, but fostering an environment where they can flourish for generations to come. Now is the time to answer the call to service, to mobilize in support of our cherished beliefs, and to enact positive change. I know we can count on you, John, to join us in this noble effort.


Embracing our shared responsibility, I challenge you to take swift action. Your strength, your voice, and your dedication can make the pivotal difference. Join us now! Every action, no matter the size, contributes to the might of our collective force. Together let’s ensure our voices ring out in defense of liberty, justice, and prosperity for all.

In sincere appreciation and with unyielding determination,

North Carolina Republican Party

Michael Whatley
Chairman, North Carolina Republican Party
General Counsel, Republican National Committee

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North Carolina Republican Party, 1506 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27605, United States

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Paid for by North Carolina Republican Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 1506 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27605, United States