
With polling showing me leading anti-choice extremist Republican Deb Fischer by two points, this Senate race is our best chance of holding off a national abortion ban.

Will you donate $51 to make me the 51st Senate vote against a national abortion ban?


Senator Fischer supports banning abortion without exceptions for incest or sexual assault. This extremism is completely out of line with Nebraska, America, and common sense.

But that won't matter if we can't raise enough money to compete. I'm an independent, which is popular with the voters but means I don't have a party machine raising money for me. Even a small contribution brings us that much closer to turning these polling numbers into reality. You can make a contribution at this link.

Thanks. I appreciate it.


Dan Osborn

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Osborn For Senate · 18406 Pasadena Ave · Osborn For Senate · Omaha, NE 68130-4274 · USA