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“Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.”  

-- Martin Luther King Jr.  

Today we honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who would have turned 95 today had he not been gunned down by a white supremacist driven over the edge by King’s non-violent movement demanding equality and justice for all people.  

I often wonder what Dr. King’s leadership and legacy would have been if he had lived through all these decades of our lives. I wonder what our nation would have become if we had not only stayed on the path of righteousness he was blazing, but if we had traveled it together. I believe we would be so much closer to the dream of little black boys and girls and little white boys and girls holding hands in the sun than we are today. So much closer. 

Now, for the first time in my life, we are going backwards. Away from the dream. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 have both been gutted and reimagined as barriers to voting instead of the overwhelming freedom of their original intent – freedom for every American to vote safely and assured that their vote will be counted. Young black men and women are still being gunned down in our streets or left to be eaten by bedbugs in our prisons. Education is being ripped to shreds in the interests of protecting us from “unacceptable” knowledge. Women across the country are being forced to endure life-threatening pregnancies as they are reduced to reproduction factories and second-class citizens. Human beings seeking a better life are being treated as chattel at our borders, either flown around the country like cargo or left to die in the river. 

I am running for Congress again to stop our country from going backwards. 

It can be hard to see the vision through the chaos surrounding us, but the path has not changed. We need the courage to continue the work. Martin Luther King Day is the only federal holiday named an official day of service. All around us are opportunities to become involved in our communities and to lend a hand to our neighbors. Take the time to help feed the hungry or work a clothing drive. Go to your local library or school and read to children. Attend one of the many parades or events scheduled for today and take the time to learn and listen. It doesn’t take much to make a difference. 

“Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.” -- Martin Luther King Jr. 

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