John, a lot of people talk about democracy, but Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lived it.
His work represented democracy in action – organizing people together to fight for equity, justice, and a genuine multi-racial democracy. But John, the sad reality is: right now, our democracy isn’t living up to Dr. King’s legacy.
In the past year alone, courts weakened the Voting Rights Act, at least 14 state legislatures passed blatant voter suppression laws, and far-right lawmakers in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina pushed discriminatory electoral maps that dilute Black voting power. [1]
The truth is, we can’t ensure a democracy that lives up to Dr. King’s ideals without strong federal voter protections.
Together, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act – which would fulfill the voting rights legacy of Dr. King’s contemporary, the late civil rights icon Congressman John Lewis – and the Freedom to Vote Act would do just that: enshrine lasting voting rights protections into law.
Tell Congress: honor Dr. King’s legacy by passing these crucial federal voter protections to ensure EVERY voter can make their voice heard in our democracy.
Together, these historic pieces of legislation would:
Restore and modernize the comprehensive protections initially established by the historic Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Ban gerrymandering so politicians can’t draw rigged maps.
Guarantee popular voting options like early voting, automatic voter registration, and vote-by-mail in all 50 states.
The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and Freedom to Vote Act would shape our democracy into something Dr. King could be proud of – one where everyone can participate, every vote is counted, and everyone’s voice is heard.
We’re calling on Congress to honor Dr. King’s Dream by taking action to expand and protect voting rights for ALL Americans. Add your name if you’re with us >>
John, with your action, we can use this historic day to help create the democracy we deserve.
Thanks for all you do,
Aaron Scherb, Senior Director of Legislative Affairs
and the team at Common Cause