Testimony from The American Legion State Commander W. I. Brunton went like this:
The American Legion does not subscribe to a theory that the ugly head of communism can be crushed in this country by ignoring its presence like an ostrich hides its head in the sand. Neither does The American Legion subscribe to a theory that communists should be placed on the ballot in order that we may know their strength. We of The American Legion are not interested in taking a census of rattlesnakes.
William Sayer, The American Legion’s state adjutant, suggested the professors wanted to be agitators since the Communist Party “attempts to cause trouble between the negro race and the white race …”
And now, nearly 80 years later, the IU student paper
is publishing articles promoting communism.
Socialism is a cancer which has corroded societies the world over. None more violently than in the century we just left. And none more representative of the clear and present danger we are battling in Oklahoma’s educational institutions today.
You will be privileged to meet and hear a leading national spokeswoman for this fight, Xi Van Fleet. She grew up in the midst of the violence of the Maoist cultural revolution and its enforcement by the Red Guards.