Friends, the push for nationwide Rank Choice Voting by the LEFT has become a cornerstone of their one-party takeover strategy. Alarmingly, bipartisan efforts are emerging in support of this policy. The threat of one-party dominance through Rank Choice Voting demands our collective action. Wisconsin's GOP faces internal discord over the proposed introduction of ranked-choice voting, with Rep. Ty Bodden and Sen. Duey Stroebel leading the opposition. In the unfolding debate, it is imperative to scrutinize the drawbacks of ranked-choice voting, particularly its automatic dismissal of the possibility of banning voting machines, thereby impacting the pathway to restoring conventional hand-count elections. This contentious issue highlights the extensive list of reasons to oppose ranked-choice voting, as it not only jeopardizes election security but also raises concerns about the abandonment of hand-counted ballots, a traditional method valued for its transparency and reliability. The Left's fervent advocacy for ranked-choice voting, despite its many proven risks to the integrity of elections and the abandonment of hand-counted ballots, underscores the need for a comprehensive examination of the consequences associated with this proposed electoral system. Send a message today to stop Rank Choice Voting from becoming a reality! A special thank you to Sara B. of Troy Wisconsin for bringing this to our attention! For more ways to Secure Our Elections, click here» In Case You Missed It… Why RCV is Wrong for America and the World The voting methods used in the United States are highly decentralized and are designed to ensure the supermajority consensus elects candidates in every local district. Rank Choice Voting (RCV) or Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) obstructs and denies a supermajority consensus (over 50% in a district) and intentionally allows for candidates that cater to minority groups to move further up the ballot. With the increased distrust of elections and party selection during primaries, RCV seems like an attractive choice that might help rank choice a lesser-known ‘grassroots’ candidate. Partisan Hacking Through RCV The Left is famous for registering as Republican (RINO) candidates, in fact, they even coordinate to register multiple republican candidates in some states. These RINO candidates use popular talking points they pull from local grassroots movements, promising them everything they want to hear. The Left organizes a carve-out of a certain number of left-wing activists, originally registered as democrats and independents, that change their party affiliation and vote for their RINO republicans to ensure bad candidates are running against strong democrats in the general and mid-term elections. Sound familiar? RCV provides the Left with further statistical advantage, allowing them to further steer an election away from a supermajority by flooding the ballot and organizing the votes cast on those ballots to create a predetermined outcome. Conservatives do not think the way Leftists think. We would never dream of gaming an election. The last thing our country needs is a change in voting method that further enables political gaming, allowing a fringe or radical minority block to win by default! We have proven that grassroots choice candidates can win elections. We do not need RCV to level the playing the field, and as demonstrated, RCV does the exact opposite. Our Founding Fathers explored and debated Rank Choice Voting, known by many names in the 1700’s, and ultimately determined this was a deeply flawed and inferior voting method that would not reflect a supermajority (over 50%) of the people in a district. Condorcet’s famous ‘Practical Method’ is widely used around the world, originally developed in the late 1700’s which, by design, reflects the general will of the people and protects against the “minority seeking petty self-interest and arbitrary preferences”. The Practical Method influenced the majority and supermajority vote requirements used in the House and Senate today. This same method and principles are applied to our federal, state, and local elections, which has only been challenged in recent history. Maine voted to change their voting method in 2016 and Alaska began statewide RCV beginning in 2020, coinciding with the rise of the Democratic Socialist movement, organizing to transform our government to Socialism from our Constitutional Republic. Now this recent experiment has led to 23 states pushing for RCV at the top of this year, simultaneously, and 4 states pushing for an absolute prohibition. RCV is only used in the United Kingdom and only used in lower house elections and small municipalities. RCV is intrinsically tied to efforts to defend the use of Voting Machines for Life! The truth is that the Left is using RCV to defend against the wildly popular movement to ban all voting machines. Rank Choice Voting and Instant Run-off Elections force complete dependency on voting technology and increase loss of election transparency! Special Offer: Tired of the Rhetoric, we rise with purpose and act with conviction. Subscribe Today!You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |