Raise a glass of bourbon to writer, editor, and activist Terry Bisson who passed away on January 10, 2024 at the age of 81.

Terry was a crucial part of our radical publishing project, having a hand in dozens of PM books including David Gilbert's Love and Struggle, Robert Hillary King's From the Bottom of the Heap, a wide range of fiction and nonfiction books, his own published works, and as editor of the Outspoken Authors Series.

Terry also touched our lives with his generosity and inspired our work with his dedication to justice. He stood with humanity and showed up where it mattered most.

Here are a few of those memories and stories to honor our friend, mentor, and editor.

Save the Date: Saturday, March 30th in San Francisco

An Outspoken Authors celebration of the life and work of Terry Bisson

Co-hosted by City Lights, PM Press, and others


Terry Bisson interviewed by T.B. Calhoun, an excerpt from The Left Left Behind in which Terry Bisson interviews himself.

This was the first book in our Outspoken Authors Series, all edited by Terry Bisson, which include in-depth interviews, short stories, essays, bios, and bibliographies by award-winning fiction writers. There are now over 30 books in the series.


RSVP to the FBI, a poem by Terry Bisson

"In 1985 I was one of six members of the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee, three women and three men, subpoenaed to a federal grand jury investigating, not our work, but armed actions by comrades who were underground. Following the example of Puerto Rican Independentistas (and most Leftists historically) we refused to cooperate and were for some months political prisoners."


So Long, Terry.

Remembrances by PM Press

"But TB held his ground. And not out of misplaced machismo. His resolve once cost him 6 months of prison time after refusing to testify against his comrades. Terry Bisson showed up where it mattered most, even when he knew the plan was doomed."

"Relaxing we spoke about beer, some of the bikes we saw that day, our favorite booze and the like."

"TB - as he referred to himself - always had a way with words. His own, and everyone else's he worked with."


Terry Bisson: Editor, Mentor, and Friend by Meg Elison

“The Pill” became the novelette that it is because of his help. He stuck with me through the whole process of creating the book, then interviewed me in his own style... When it debuted, he was proud of it and of me, and he said so. I felt like I was taking the baton in a relay race, being passed some of the inimitable power of the writers who had come before me in science fiction and showed me what the genre could really do. He made sure my grip on it was secure before he let go, and I know I was far from unique in that regard. His generosity is one of the things everyone knew about him."


In early 2021, Terry Bisson, Nisi Shawl, Nalo Hopkinson, and Meg Elison, all Outspoken Authors, discussed science fiction, utopia, and the craft of writing during a pandemic.

Hosted by our friends at Firestorm, this might be the last live video event Terry ever did.


Explore books by Terry Bisson and the entire Outspoken Authors Series, and save 40% with coupon code BISSON until 2/1

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Outspoken Authors
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