Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress

Hi folks — Hope your year is off to a great start!

To say Nikki was busy during her first year in Washington would be an understatement.

She co-sponsored over 298 bills, helped pass legislation to create safety nets for young and beginning farmers, brought over $300 million in funding back to communities across Central and Southern Illinois, and more.

And now that the holiday season is behind us, Nikki’s back in Washington working hard to expand access to affordable high-quality healthcare, create good-paying union jobs, and stand up against the far-right’s attempts to attack our democracy.

Despite Nikki’s efforts to make progress for working families, farmers, and veterans, National Republicans have made it clear that they’ll spare no expense to flip her seat and expand their House majority.

It’s important that we prepare for the attacks that will come our way in the months ahead so Nikki can keep fighting for progress — but we can’t do it without your help.

Can we count on you to be one of the 500 grassroots supporters to pitch in toward our first fundraising goal of 2024 before the deadline expires tomorrow at midnight?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for your support.

— Team Nikki