March 20, 2020
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The Biden gambit
Steve A. Stone

March 20, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

March 20, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? After having unleashed the Chinese coronavirus on the United States and the world, China is now attempting to demonstrate that it has a superior system to deal with the crisis -- communism. The elites running the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) seem to be impressed.... (more)

March 20, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? Some wag once changed the opening line of Rudyard Kipling's classic poem "If" this way: "If you can keep your head while all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on haven't understood the gravity of the situation." And so it seems to be with the coronavirus crisis.... (more)

March 19, 2020

March 19, 2020
Must see 0:01 through 12:44
REAL CLEAR POLITICS ? Members of the Coronavirus Task Force brief reporters at the White House on the latest developments and the administration's response on March 17, 2020.... (more)

March 18, 2020
'Even MSNBC couldn't hide its shock'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Democrats, it seems, will take every opportunity to fund their No. 1 cause, even when the nation is focused on an unprecedented crisis. When the emergency bill was introduced in Congress to address the coronavirus pandemic, it was no surprise that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi included millions of dollars for abortion.... (more)

March 18, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Heads are spinning after CNN's coverage of President Donald Trump's response to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic -- and for reasons that are somewhat astounding. Dana Bash, CNN's chief political correspondent, was complimentary of Trump after his White House media briefing on Tuesday.... (more)

March 18, 2020
'We needed to let the media know that we have our own mind and we can think for ourselves; we didn't need anybody spoon-feeding us...'
YOUTUBE ? On March 2, 2018, at Convocation, North America's largest weekly gathering of Christian students, Host of D&S Chit Chat Live Diamond and Silk encouraged students to speak their minds and stand up for what they believe in.... (more)

March 18, 2020
FOX NEWS ? Hoover Institution Fellow Victor Davis Hanson said on Wednesday that China's handling of the coronavirus "ruined their international brand," having potential serious repercussions on its economy as foreign companies may exit.... (more)

March 18, 2020
FOX NEWS ? Laura Ingraham demanded "total cooperation and openness from China" in response to their role in the coronavirus pandemic, adding the country has "blood on their hands" and they should be punished if they do not provide information.... (more)

March 17, 2020
FOX NEWS ? Washington state resident Elizabeth Schneider told Fox News' "Your World with Neil Cavuto" on Tuesday that she was "feeling great" after recovering from COVID-19 before describing how she learned she had contracted the coronavirus. Schneider said she believes she became infected at a house party on Feb. 22, but didn't get a positive diagnosis until about two weeks later.... (more)

March 17, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? Americans are trying to stay safe, as government attempts to contain the spread of the coronavirus. As this unfolds, let's hope that our "intelligence agencies" are taking an objective and honest look at where this virus came from -- and whether other diseases are being planned for America and the world. A recent case of alleged "academic espionage" involving China raises the specter of American involvement in Chinese medical and/or biological warfare research.... (more)

March 17, 2020
STEVE A. STONE ? Does the coronavirus, a.k.a. COVID-19, have you altering your behavior? Does it make you just a bit nervous? Do you worry that you or someone you love might catch it and not have a clue of how, where, or from whom? I want you to dwell on this new worldwide phenomenon that's being heralded as our latest pandemic.... (more)

March 17, 2020
PETER LEMISKA ? Democrats and Republicans seem to agree on one thing: Bernie Sanders cannot defeat President Trump in the general election. While his raucous crowds and early campaign victories suggest widespread support, a recent Gallup poll confirms that 53 percent of Americans surveyed would not vote for a socialist presidential candidate. It's for that reason, and that reason only, that the Democratic establishment is working hard to end Sander's candidacy and nominate Joe Biden.... (more)

March 17, 2020
YOUTUBE ? If we join together as Americans and do our part, likely thousands of lives will be saved.... (more)

March 17, 2020
VP touts unanimity between White House and Task Force in coronavirus response
YOUTUBE ? Vice President Pence holds a press conference with the coronavirus task force.... (more)

March 17, 2020
DAILY SIGNAL ? In the fight against coronavirus, 33 states have closed some 64,000 schools, affecting more than 32.5 million students, Education Week reports. Texas is waiving state testing requirements for school districts, New York is relaxing state requirements for how many days a year schools have to be open, and, in California, the Los Angeles Unified School District announced a partnership with PBS to put school lessons on television for students at home.... (more)

March 17, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Joe Biden, who had hinted he might choose a woman as his vice president if picked as the party nominee, committed to doing so during the 11th Democratic presidential debate Sunday.... (more)

March 17, 2020
NEWSMAX ? FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr is seeking answers from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff about his use of secret subpoenas to obtain cellphone records of Rudy Giuliani, House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes and journalist John Solomon during President Donald Trump's impeachment hearing.... (more)

March 15, 2020
'I feel it is important to share the truth about the man who is a kind and generous boss, a great leader for our country, and someone I grew to deeply admire'
NEWSMAX ? President Donald Trump's former personal assistant Madeleine Westerhout will publish a tell-all book that focuses on why she lost her job. Westerhout was one of the longest-tenured members of the president's White House staff who was pushed out after revealing critical comments about Trump's daughters to reporters in a conversation that was supposed to be off the record.... (more)

March 15, 2020
NEW YORK POST ? President Trump on Sunday said he watched a livestream of a Georgia pastor's church service after houses of worship across the country opted to go online to protect parishioners as the coronavirus continues to spread.... (more)

March 15, 2020
THE HILL ? President Trump has declared Sunday a "National Day of Prayer" amid the worldwide outbreak of the novel coronavirus and said he will monitor a church service online. Trump made the declaration Friday, the same day he also declared a national emergency over COVID-19, which has killed thousands of people worldwide.... (more)

March 13, 2020
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? China is engaged in a wide-scale propaganda effort to convince the world that it is not responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, portraying itself with carefully distributed disinformation as being the most proactive, intelligent, and responsible of the world superpowers. And many in America's free press are happy to help China gaslight the entire world.... (more)

March 13, 2020
NY Gov. Cuomo on coronavirus: There is ?much more anxiety than the facts would justify?
WORLDNETDAILY ? Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has advised six presidents on HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues, said Friday that the United States is "ahead of the curve" on containing the coronavirus because of President Trump's unprecedented travel restrictions.... (more)

March 13, 2020
Waives rules, offers $50 billion to states responding to coronavirus
WORLDNETDAILY ? At the White House on Friday, President Trump declared a national emergency in response to the coronavirus, granting access to $50 billion to states, which are to set up emergency operation centers. The president is giving extraordinary authority to the secretary of Health and Human Services to waive laws and regulation, and asking hospitals to activate emergency procedures.... (more)

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