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Tens of thousands of people gathered in Bangladesh for a mass prayer session on Wednesday, despite fears it posed a risk of spreading the new coronavirus.
The Church of England has imposed new measures saying weddings held in its churches can only include the legal minimum amount of people. Meanwhile civil
ceremonies will be judged on a case by case basis.
New legislation passed by Holyrood takes Scotland a step closer to the goal of eradicating the practice of female genital mutilation, MSPs have been told.
Bolton Council of Mosques has paid £25,000 a year to lease a building owned by its chairman Asif Patel and his family for more than a decade. It has spoken
out to defend the arrangement.
Leeds imam and government adviser Qari Asim has been awarded damages and a full apology after the Mail on Sunday and Mail Online falsely accused him of
supporting the hanging of a Christian woman in Pakistan.
A primary school teacher in Somerset has been banned from profession after anti-Islamic comments were found on his Facebook page and he shared "unacceptable"
and "inappropriate" views in the classroom.
Indonesia's education system – while accessible for all – employs teaching curriculum and learning materials that fail in challenging traditional roles and
changing social attitudes towards women.
A conservative Christian pastor issued an angry rebuke of churches taking measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus, calling them "sissies" and "pansies"
who have been "neutered."
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