You’ve been selected to represent xxxxxx Democrats in our
**BRAND NEW** 2024 voter poll!

Voter Registration Application

Friend – Do you support same-day voter registration?

Yes >>
No >>
Unsure >>


Friend, top Democrats like Amy Klobuchar and Bernie Sanders have introduced legislation to pass same-day voter registration nationwide.

Amy Klobuchar: Our democracy works best when our laws make it easier for people to vote…

But Republicans are BLOCKING this key legislation and trying to suppress Democratic voters!

So we’re coming directly to our top supporters (like YOU!) to see if you support Democrats’ plan to pass same-day voter registration.
Represent xxxxxx Democrats now >>>

Do you support same-day voter registration?

Yes >>
No >>
Unsure >>


Thank you for representing xxxxxx Democrats.


Thank you for supporting March On PAC, Friend. Our women-led team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win in 2020. Now, we're gearing up to win again by taking back the House, saving the Senate, and defeating Donald Trump once and for all!!!

Donate now to elect Democrats

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Remember: if we allow Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans to seize power this election, all of our hard-earned progress will be destroyed. We CANNOT afford to lose!

If you really want to go, click here to unsubscribe from our activist list. If you’d like to chip in to help us elect our endorsed Democratic candidates, click here.

Chip in now to elect Democrats → Make a monthly contribution to elect Democrats →