Dear John,
In case you missed it...this week the Voices for Human Needs blog comments on the agreement between House and Senate leaders on top-line FY24 spending levels. And we report on a massive sign-on letter urging Congress not to cut non-defense discretionary funding. Finally, we unveil CHN's latest Human Needs Report: Tracking Hardship, which this week examines a possible deal to expand the Child Tax Credit -- a move that would lift 400,000 children out of poverty. Meanwhile, if you know of colleagues, friends, family members or others who you think should subscribe to the weekly Voices blog summary, please encourage them to do so here.
This week on the blog...
CHN statement: There is still a long way for Congress to go to meet our nation's needs
January 9
After many months, Congressional leaders have reaffirmed the funding levels agreed to as part of the negotiation to avoid a federal default last year. Members of the Coalition on Human Needs have waited with increasing concern that congressional failure to act would result in millions of people losing vital help, limiting their ability to afford rent, food, heat, health care, and much more. We very much hope that confirming the spending framework will result in quick steps forward to make funding decisions that meet current needs. READ MORE »
More than 1,100 groups oppose cuts to non-defense discretionary funding in letter to Congress
January 11
The Coalition on Human Needs joined more than 1,100 local, state, and national groups in urging Congress to reject harsh cuts in federal funding and instead to push ahead to finish the FY24 appropriations process, using the bipartisan Senate funding framework as a starting point for negotiations. In a letter, the groups warned that a lengthy continuing resolution “would be disastrous for the capacity of the federal government to serve the public, assist those in need, fuel innovation, and address national and global threats.” READ MORE »
CHN's latest Human Needs Watch: Tracking Hardship
January 13
The Child Tax Credit expansion edition. House and Senate negotiators reportedly are close to reaching a deal on expanding the Child Tax Credit (CTC), although final details remain uncertain. There are at least 19 million reasons to expand the CTC – that's the number of kids who don’t receive the full credit (or any credit at all) because their families do not earn enough money. The proposal as reported so far would improve the credit for about 80 percent of those children and lift an estimated 400,000 above the poverty line, as estimated by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. READ MORE »
Coalition on Human Needs
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