Discovering Personality Course - New Year Sale - Final 48 Hours


One of the biggest questions I get asked is "How can I improve myself and my surroundings?"

I put together the Discovering Personality course to help answer this question. 

Watch the trailer

The course is 5 hours long and is the most in-depth content I've produced on understanding yourself. You will find more information here than you would find in the typical full-scale one-semester personality course.

The focus of this course is to help you gain clarity around the complex subject of the human psyche. 

My goal for Discovering Personality is not just for the information to be absorbed, it is designed to be applied meaningfully through action.  

Rule 5: If you have to choose, be the one who does things, instead of the one who is seen to do things.
To say thank you for yet another amazing year of support, I wanted to offer an opportunity for you to take my Discovering Personality Course at a discounted price of $84.90 (43% off). This is the final 48 hours the course will be available at this price.

As a bonus: You will also receive access to the Understand Myself "Big Five" personality assessment for free. Providing you with specific insights about your unique personality.

"The wonderful benefit of taking this course is having the clarity to understand the basis in which my reactions come from. I was also able to trace back through my life to determine which personality traits I have changed for the better. Viewing the outcome of tragic or difficult events in light of how they have strengthened me changes how I remember my past and the outlook I have on my future." - Jamie Jenkins, Discovering Personality Student

Click on the link below to get started with the Discovering Personality course:

Kind Regards, 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

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