We know this is a difficult time, so please take care of yourself and your loved ones and only pitch in if you can afford to do so. To pause our emails until this public health emergency has passed, fill out this form.

Hey there,

I wanted to make sure you saw my note from yesterday.

This pandemic is an unprecedented moment in our nation's history and I know the toll it's taking on all of us. Now more than ever, we need to come together and get things done for the American people.

Read my note below and then, only if you are financially able, please pitch in a donation to help our campaign bring about the change Coloradans deserve.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,


Folks — I want to be honest with you for a moment, if you can spare a few minutes to let me explain something. Here it goes:

These are not normal times. It would be wrong to pretend they are. Our nation is facing an unprecedented public health emergency that is impacting virtually every facet of American society right now.

Our campaign has canceled all in-person events, including our fundraisers, and it means we’re engaging in a different kind of campaign. But although the tactics are different, our campaign’s message is not:

This crisis is a reminder that we need to come together more than ever to get things done. That’s how we improved our state’s economy here in Colorado coming out of the Great Recession, and it’s how our country will survive the COVID-19 outbreak, too.

I am writing to you today to ask you to contribute to our campaign if you believe our country is ready to put aside our partisan blinders and get to work on the critical issues that matter, from addressing this pandemic to climate change and building an economy that works for everyone.

I am asking you to chip in today, but I only want you to do it if you are financially able to. I really mean that, folks. So, I’m asking:

If you are financially able, please make a contribution of $10 or more to our campaign today to help us flip this Senate seat and get our government working for the people again:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I know how isolated these times may feel for so many of you, but know you are not alone in this fight. We are going to get through this together.

Thanks and stay safe.

— John