3 Holy
Masses Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Jan 13-15. Submit
intentions now!

Dear Friend,
Have you submitted your urgent
petitions where immediate help is needed?
Please join me in invoking the aid
of Our Lady of Prompt Succor for “quick help” where your petitions
will be included in Three Holy Masses, on January 13, 14 and on the
Traditional Feast Day, January 15.
Now is the time to begin
the Day One prayers, where we will ask the Our Lady of Prompt
Succor to continue to assist us in all our necessities, as well as the
needs of our Shepherd, Cardinal Burke. And specially to thank her for
favors granted.
If you haven't had a chance
to submit your intentions or would like to update them, please take a
few minutes to do so now.
Devotees have invoked Our Lady of
Prompt Succor in every necessity, including:
- protection against evil
- protection against every accident
- quick
help with financial difficulties, desperate medical situations and to
all who are ill
- the
conversion of family members and loved ones
- protection while traveling
- protection against floods, fires, lightening and
- graces
for those searching for the faith
- protection against the enemies of our country
Let us not despair, for amidst the
tribulations of the world, Our Lady of Prompt Succor will watch over
Embracing the graces of Our Lady of
Prompt Succor,

Thomas McKenna
President and Founder
Catholic Action For Faith And Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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