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Dear John

2023 was a year of embracing change and exploring familiar territory farther than we ever have in the past. From our campaigning work on the ground with local groups to our lobbying work in parliament, we have pushed for a beautiful countryside for now and the future. Take a look at what you helped us to achieve.

This year we're facing a critical general election, which means we'll be working hard to ensure our countryside and rural communities are at the top of the next government's agenda. We'll continue to campaign for rooftop solar as a common sense solution that will protect precious countryside while addressing the climate and energy crises. Scroll down to find out more about the results of our recent survey.

The rural affordable housing crisis will continue to be a key focus for us as we call on the government to commit to resolving the lack of genuinely affordable and social housing in the countryside. Explore the personal stories of those who have been impacted by the crisis and read on to learn more about the rise in rural homelessness.

Our rooftop solar survey: the results


A survey of nearly 3,000 CPRE supporters shows widespread support for rooftop solar – both as a government priority and on new homes. In total, 95% of respondents felt that the government should take a rooftop-first approach when rolling out solar renewables across the country, while 97% agreed that rooftop solar should be a standard requirement on all new housing.

Government publishes revisions to National Planning Policy Framework


The government has published revisions to the long-awaited National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which sets out planning policies for England. There’s much to welcome in the revised NPPF, but we don’t think it goes far enough to provide rural communities with affordable homes, nor does it sufficiently tackle the climate and nature crises.

Rough sleeping in the countryside


The hidden rural housing crisis continues to worsen along with its tragic impacts on people and families. This includes rates of rough sleeping, which new CPRE analysis has revealed are worse in rural areas than many of our towns and cities. Shockingly, levels of homelessness have leapt 40% in the countryside in just five years - find out more below.

Connecting with nature in January


After the indulgences and excitement of Christmas, the tranquillity of nature can be a balm. The new year brings resolutions of health, and many of us venture outside to shake off the sluggishness left over from the festive season. January may seem bleak but if you look a little closer there is still lots to enjoy out and about.

Leave a gift to the countryside


If making a will is a priority for you in 2024, why not consider doing it for free with our trusted partner, Farewill. This service is worth £100 and can take as little as 30 minutes. There is no obligation to leave a gift in your will to CPRE with this service. However, many supporters choose to do so as a way of letting their love for the countryside live on into the future.

Explore the countryside with an exclusive discount


By joining CPRE as a member, you’ll receive a special offer at many attractions around the country. Visit Cholmondeley Castle Gardens in Cheshire with our 2 adults for the price of 1 member offer to discover the romantic Temple and Folly Water Gardens, Rose Garden, Glade, Arboretum, and the ornamental woodland upon Tower Hill. Find your day out and sign up to become a member below.


Best wishes,

Cat Rowland

Digital Engagement Officer

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

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