John, we hate to come to you with bad news, but we fell 53 memberships short of our 2024 Democratic Supporter Membership launch goal!
If we’re going to stand ANY chance of defending the Senate, saving the White House, and flipping the House, we need you to confirm your support NOW:
You know MAGA Speaker Mike Johnson and his mob are dumping dark money into a huge war chest to buy more years in power!
You know President Biden is plummeting in the polls and Democrats hold the Senate by a THREAD!
And yet, your name is STILL missing from our supporter file!
This must be some mistake, John, so we’re giving you one more chance to correct the record: Please, join 52 District Of Columbia Democrats in claiming your membership by chipping in $7 by 11:59 pm TONIGHT »
We need you with us!
The Voter Protection Project