Emergency Transit Funding Needed
SFMTA Budget Open House Tonight 
Transit Driver Appreciation Day Highlights


ACT NOW for Emergency Public Transit Funding!

California and the federal government are acting with unprecedented speed to pass emergency funding packages to address our current crisis. We need to act now to make sure public transit is funded as an essential part of the emergency response.

  1. Sign petitions to the CA Legislature and U.S. Congress urging them to dedicate stimulus funding for transit operators. 
  2. Call and email your state legislators: http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/

Public transit is an absolute necessity for our essential workers to get to their jobs. Social distancing and shelter-in-place orders are plummeting ridership, as they should. But public transit agencies depend on fares for a significant portion of their budget. Muni alone had about a 35-50% drop in ridership last week, with $1 million in lost revenue (and this was before the shelter-in-place order). As our economy slows down, Muni will also lose funding from sales tax revenues.

We can’t be bailing out cruise ships and private corporations at the same time we leave riders stranded. Our lives and livelihoods - those of nurses, social service workers, grocery store employees - depend on public transit.

In the wake of 2008, funding was cut to public transit. Many agencies are still struggling with that legacy. We can’t let that happen again. And if we want a clean, green recovery, we need to put transit funding first.

Take action today to demand our state and federal governments dedicate stimulus funding to support public transit, its riders, and its operators with emergency funding as quickly as possible.


SFMTA Budget *Digital* Open House -- Today at 5pm 

Tonight's SFMTA Budget Open House is our best opportunity to continue to influence the upcoming SFMTA budget. The SFMTA Board of Directors will likely approve the budget on their April 7th meeting, as we will have limited opportunities before then to push for further changes. Join us tonight to help shape the budget.

SFMTA Budget *Digital* Open House
Join the livestream

If you can't make tonight's open house, Director of Transportation Jeff Tumlin is hosting an online conversation on April 2nd at 11:30am.  Click here for the live feed or participate via Twitter or Facebook


Transit Driver Appreciation Day

Thank you to everyone who sent messages, tweeted, and gave thanks to our essential Muni drivers yesterday. These times more than ever, they need our support. 

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
