You’re probably eating way more sugar than you think.

Almost every processed food contains it…even organic and so-called “health food” products.

The food industry knows sugar is addicting, and that’s why they put it in just about everything!

It’s easy to down 32 teaspoons (2/3 cup!) in a single day…and that’s without drinking sodas or eating candy. 

Don’t believe that’s possible?

Let me give you an example of how this can happen.

Let’s say someone ate this over the course of a day, and watch how the sugar adds up…


Kodiak Power Muffin: 16 grams sugar

Starbucks Matcha Latte Grande: 32 grams sugar


Subway 6” Chicken Teriyaki: 20 grams sugar

Sunchips: 2 grams sugar

Vitamin Water XXX: 22 grams sugar


Chobani Strawberry Yogurt: 14 grams sugar


1 serving Freschetta Gluten Free Pizza: 8 grams sugar

Green Salad with Zesty Italian Dressing: 2 grams sugar


Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt Bar: 13 grams sugar

Now let’s add it all up!

That’s 129 grams of sugar.

Which equals 32 teaspoons.

That’s 2/3 cup of sugar in ONE DAY!

And sadly, this is a conservative estimate. You may be eating more sugar each day, especially if you drink any soda or sweetened drinks. 

All of this sugar fuels inflammation in the body…

Makes you tired and cranky…

Ruins your skin…

Triggers weight gain…

And leads all sorts of diseases like heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. 

If you struggle with any of these things or want to prevent them, the best thing you can do for yourself is get your sugar consumption under wraps! 

To help, my 7-Day Sugar Detox is open at a huge discount for a few more days. Ends Monday!

CLICK HERE: Get 68% OFF Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox 

It takes all the guesswork out of what to eat, what to avoid, and how to keep sugar cravings from ruining your best intentions! Here’s what’s included:

If you can’t start right away, no worries! You’ll have access to the entire program for life - so you can start any time that is convenient for you. 

But you do need to sign up now to get 68% OFF. 

Sign up at a discount here before it closes Monday.

I can’t wait to see you in the program! 







Food Babe - Sugar Detox

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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