Ayanna is relying on early resources this month to remain competitive and stay in Congress

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

Hey, happy new year! 

Here in our MA-7 HQ, our team is starting off the year by determining budgets and designing our strategy to re-elect Ayanna Pressley in November. These headlines are top of mind:

Headlines reading "Pro-Israel group plans to take on Squad members", "The Squad is facing an existential threat in 2024", "The Squad is about to fight for its political life"

As we put together our budget for this campaign, we’re planning for the possibility of competing against a potential challenger.

Since Ayanna was one of the first leaders to call for a ceasefire in Gaza last fall, AIPAC reportedly promised to recruit a primary challenger against her in response.

So this is all to say, our fundraising performance in the first month of 2024 is really important to come out strong, set the tone, and demonstrate that this movement isn’t going anywhere.

But we understandably started out a little slow as folks came out of the holiday season.

So if you’re in a place to make a donation today — $25 or any amount — it would be a huge help for Ayanna and our team. We need to show the strength of our people-powered, grassroots movement — and let AIPAC know the A-Team won’t back down.

So, will you please make your first contribution of 2024 to support Ayanna Pressley and make sure we keep her voice in Congress? $25 or anything you’re able to pitch in will help Ayanna start this critical year with the strongest momentum possible.

Ayanna’s got big plans for 2024: to continue to strengthen our movement for a ceasefire, advocate for federal abortion protections across the country, push for affordable housing in the Massachusetts 7th and beyond, confront the rise in book bans, ensure the President keeps his promise on student debt cancellation, and much more.

The state of our movement is strong. But we can’t take anything for granted, and we’ve got to keep our foot on the gas as we head into a critical election year.

Listen, Ayanna says that the power of the people is always greater than the people in power. And Ayanna doesn’t have a Super PAC that can spend millions of dollars to fund her campaign. Her campaign is powered by small-dollar donations that come from grassroots supporters like you: the people who make up this campaign and who are closest to the issues she’s fighting for.

But our grassroots fundraising model is most effective if everyone who is able to pitch in takes action when we need it most — and this is one of those moments. So can you please make your first contribution of 2024 to make sure Ayanna has the resources she needs to keep fighting for our communities in Congress?

Thanks for being on the A-Team,
