From ADL Headlines <[email protected]>
Subject White Supremacist Kills 22, Injures Dozens More in Hate-Motivated Shooting at El Paso Walmart
Date August 8, 2019 9:02 PM
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August 8, 2019


A white supremacist killed 22 people and injured dozens more after opening fire at a shopping center in El Paso, TX &ndash; the deadliest white supremacist attack in the last 50 years. The shooter posted his racist manifesto on what is referred to by ADL as the &ldquo;septic tank of the internet&rdquo; &ndash; 8chan. In the manifesto, the shooter outlined his hatred of immigrants and his fear of an &ldquo;invasion&rdquo; by Latinos, directly referencing the white supremacist &ldquo;Great Replacement Theory.&rdquo;

Read on for more on these headlines, news you can use to fight hate, and the latest info about ADL from around the country.



White Supremacist Kills 22, Injures Dozens More in Hate-Motivated Shooting at El Paso Walmart

&ldquo;The massacre that left at least 22 people dead and two dozen wounded Saturday in a city that hugs the U.S.,-Mexico border will be treated as a domestic terrorism case, but many acts of white nationalism-fueled violence are not classified as such, stoking concerns that the government is not doing all it could to address an increasingly dangerous national security threat.&rsquo;&rdquo; NBC News:

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Read More

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ADL Resource: Mass Shooting in El Paso: What We Know

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FBI Warns of the &lsquo;Continued Threat&rsquo; of Violent Extremists and Hate Crimes -- CBS Evening News, George Selim interviewed

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ADL Press Release: El Paso Mass Shooting the Deadliest White Supremacist Attack in More Than 50 Years



ADL Says 8chan is the Septic Tank of the Internet

&ldquo;Moments before the El Paso shooting on Saturday, a four-page message whose author identified himself as the gunman appeared on 8chan. The person who posted the message encouraged his &lsquo;brothers&rsquo; on the site to spread the contents far and wide.&rdquo; The New York Times:

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Full Story

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Jonathan Greenblatt on 8chan: &ldquo;The septic tank of the internet&rdquo; -- CNN's New Day

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Internet sites blamed for helping incite racist violence, but there&rsquo;s no plan to rein them in -- CNN

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ADL Resource: Hatechan: The Hate and Violence-Filled Legacy of 8chan



Minutes Before Opening Fire, El Paso Suspect Posted Anti-Immigrant Screed Online

&ldquo;The writings from the suspected shooter said the attack was in response to a &lsquo;Hispanic invasion&rsquo; of Texas, warning that the population will make Texas and other states a &lsquo;Democrat stronghold&rsquo; that will allow the party to win future presidential elections.&rdquo; BuzzFeed:

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Learn More

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ADL Resource: White Supremacist&rsquo;s Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Echoes Comments from Public Figures

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ADL, UnidosUS and LULAC Announce Collaboration to Prevent Bias-Motivated Violence and Improve Hate Crime Reporting +
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ADL Resource: White Supremacist&rsquo;s Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Echoes Comments from Public Figures

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&lsquo;When Will Trump Stop Demonizing Immigrants?&rsquo;: U.S. Jewish Leaders &lsquo;Rage&rsquo; in Wake of Mass Shootings -- Haaretz



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We&rsquo;re partnering with @WeAreUnidosUS and @LULAC to share best practices & techniques for documenting & responding to hate violence&hellip;
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Nearly two years ago, the largest and most violent public gathering of white supremacists in decades took over the streets of Charlottesville&hellip;
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Our CEO @JGreenblattADL tells @VelshiRuhle that hate in this country has reached a &lsquo;crescendo&rsquo; and concrete action is needed&hellip;



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Mass shootings and white supremacy: Is there a correlation? (KTVX-TV, ABC Salt Lake City -- Seth Brysk interviewed)
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A Conversation About Domestic Terrorism, Mental Health and Racist Rhetoric (WTTW-TV, PBS Chicago -- David Goldenberg interviewed)
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&ldquo;No tenemos que vivir con temor, pero si tenemos que ser vigilantes&rdquo;, el consejo de un experto para los hispanos en Estados Unidos (Univision Arizona -- Carlos Galindo-Elvira interviewed en Espanol)



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Fox&rsquo;s Carlson calls white supremacy &lsquo;a hoax.&rsquo; (Associated Press)
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FBI and ADL offer $35,000 reward for information on arsons at Boston area Jewish community centers (Boston Herald)
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Is It Possible to Stop a Mass Shooting Before It Happens? (Cosmopolitan)

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