Dear ABE Team GOATS;

Because of your outstanding work, you’ve been selected as a member of our elite new ABE Team of GOATs (Greatest of All Time), a name derived from a little known bit of American history.

Back in the day, the Lincolns kept two pet goats at the White House (inside and outside)! Nanny and Nanko were a source of great enjoyment for the family during tough times. They were a lot like Zinnia and Zahara (below), who belong to one of our volunteers, and we hope they do the same for us!

Among other things, we would like to develop an interactive line of communication among our GOATs, and we’ll start by asking you to confirm your contact info and engagement preferences. Also, please let us know if there’s anything we can do to make your volunteer work easier and more enjoyable. Please take two minutes to complete this SURVEY.

As GOATS, you know the significance of this week’s featured CTA, an on-going Action to help elect a pro-democracy replacement for George Santos in the NY3 Special Election on February 13. This ZOOM Letter Writing Action takes place on Saturdays @ 11am-12:30 pm; Sundays @ 1-2pm ET; and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays @ 8-9pm ET through February 8th. REGISTER HERE. Thanks for signing up. Let’s help win this one to kick off the cycle.

Let’s keep pulling together in the year ahead as we find new, interesting and more effective ways to share our devotion to defending democracy.


The Union