Senator Markey: never not thinking about climate change
We know you’ve probably got some pretty bold New Year’s resolutions in 2024, whether it’s to finally run that half-marathon or stop dismissing that pesky screen time notification you set up last January. And if you’re looking for a big change in your life, what’s more exciting than becoming an official climate cadet?
This week, we brought on Senator Ed Markey to talk about the American Climate Corps, an opportunity for thousands of young people to go to work building our clean energy future.
Here’s what he had to say on the DFP Insights page this week:
“We need a trained workforce that can turn proposals into projects, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and deliver for communities. That’s why in September President Joe Biden launched the historic American Climate Corps, which will create 20,000 skills-based job opportunities for young people to help combat climate disaster.
The new American Climate Corps is a major step in the fight for our nation’s future and for a Green New Deal. In fact, it is already extremely popular — and oversubscribed. New polling from Data for Progress finds that the American Climate Corps is overwhelmingly popular across age and political party, and supported by 71 percent of voters — including more than half of Republicans. The support grows even stronger among voters under the age of 59.”

Now, the American Climate Corps needs the same thing as our bank accounts after a long holiday season: more funding. As stated best by Senator Markey, “voters — and younger voters in particular — have made clear they support the American Climate Corps and are particularly supportive of bolstering it with a fully funded and functional program like the Civilian Climate Corps. Together, we can take an invaluable step toward the vision of a full civilian climate corps and create clean energy and climate job opportunities for a new generation of Americans.”
Read the full Insights article here.
Here are some other highlights from DFP this week:
If ya wanted to get elected, ya shouldn't have insurrected
A lot has changed since January 6, 2021: England has a new monarch, Bennifer is back, and we all collectively decided to ignore Twitter’s new name.
But despite all that’s changed in the last three years, it turns out that your views on January 6 and the 2020 election probably haven’t. A majority of likely voters (58%) believe the 2020 presidential election was fairly won by Joe Biden, but 63% of Republicans think the election was stolen from Trump — no significant change from our survey last year.
While a majority of Republican voters believe the 2020 election was stolen, a majority also believe that the violence on January 6 was not the right response. Nearly three-fourths of voters believe that supporters of President Trump “did the wrong thing by inciting violence and threatening our democracy” on January 6, including a majority of Republicans.

Among Independents, 57% say they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who supports the January 6 attack — which includes a whole lot of Republicans running for office! It’s on Dems to remind voters where these Trump wannabes stood on January 6.
Read the full poll here.
Idahope you lose in court
We don’t know about y’all, but we’re getting pretty tired of the Supreme Court holding our basic human rights in their hands every year. Maybe it's time for them to take a year off? We’ve heard Clarence Thomas really loves his luxury vacations.
Under the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), hospitals that accept Medicare funds are required to provide medical care, such as an abortion, to any individual if it stabilizes an “emergency medical condition.” This year, the Supreme Court will determine if EMTALA overrides Idaho’s abortion ban, which only allows abortions in a narrower set of cases — when “necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant woman.”
However, we find that 85% of voters support requiring all U.S. hospitals to provide abortions in cases when an abortion is medically necessary.

Idaho: you may have some beautiful landscapes, but there’s nothing beautiful about keeping women from accessing essential healthcare! And so we enter another year of hoping the Supreme Court listens to the vast majority of Americans who do not want to restrict abortion access — especially in emergency situations. Maybe if we all collectively got together and bought Clarence Thomas a yacht, he’d listen to us.
Read the full poll here.
Eyes! And ears! And mouth! And nose!
This week, Senator Bernie Sanders once again made the bold and radical claim that maybe senior citizens should be guaranteed access to vision, hearing, and dental care. Crazy, right? It’s an idea that’s a bit too absurd for our current system, which doesn’t cover hearing aids, eye exams, or dental work for Medicare recipients.
It turns out that Senator Sanders is pushing Biden to support a policy that has support from over 92% of voters, including roughly 90% of Independents and Republicans. It’s a pretty amazing figure when you probably can’t even get 92% of Americans to agree that the sky is blue.

We also find that 65% of Americans support lowering the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 60 years old. Someone, please inform the members of the Republican party, who are currently proposing raising the age for Medicare and Social Security. Because we’re actually starting to think that they’re the ones out of touch with the American people... Who knew?
Read the full poll here.