Hi There–
A year ago was a whirlwind. My son was born a few weeks early, and those first days of parenthood were exactly what everyone says they were: exciting, exhausting, unnerving—sometimes all at once.
A key moment sticks out for me during our newborn visit to the doctor. Between assessing my baby, chatting through how to make sure he's fed, and answering my one million questions, our pediatrician asked if we had guns in our home.
I was surprised by this question, not because it isn't reasonable—guns are the number one killer of children and teens—but because it came from my doctor.
I told her yes, said they were securely stored, and thanked her for asking.
After that, I remember feeling angry—angry that our pediatrician was doing more than our lawmakers to keep our children safe by asking these questions and giving out free gun locks.
Keeping kids safe is a community effort. You don't have to be a doctor to do the work to help keep our children safe. Sometimes the work is just a conversation, and sometimes it starts with a question: "Are there guns in the home?"
That conversation can save lives.
Our incredible pediatrician is just one person working to keep our kids safe, but across the country, there are tens of thousands of volunteers who are a part of our Be SMART work, which emphasizes the importance of responsible gun ownership and secure gun storage.
We just launched a new Instagram dedicated to highlighting this life-saving work: Follow Be SMART on Instagram to learn how you can make a difference in your local community.
Thanks for being a part of our movement!
Kelli Klein
Oskar's Mom <3
Senior Director of Digital Advocacy
Everytown for Gun Safety