Folks, I won’t beat around the bush.
Can you pitch in three bucks to fuel my people-powered re-election campaign? Your gift will be split between Debbie Mucarsel-Powell and my campaign.
This might surprise you, but $3 goes a long way toward winning this race. That’s because we’re powered by folks just like you and I’m damn proud of that. I don’t answer to super PACs or special interests.
We’ve got what it takes to defeat Mitch McConnell and his cronies, but the truth is that they’re already pouring truckloads of money to defeat me.
They’re trying to turn me into something I’m not, because they can’t beat who I am.
I’m a farmer. I’m a senator. And I’m a Montanan til I die.
I’ve never let my time in Washington change me. I’m not about to start now.
If every person reading this email chipped in $3 today, we would get ahead on our fundraising goals for the month and kick off the election year swinging. So I need to ask you: Will you support our grassroots-funded campaign and split a donation today?
If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
I’m grateful for all you do for this campaign.