Striving for Personal Excellence: Being the Best You Can Possibly Be!

‘Karen and Jay share thoughts on the importance of ‘being your very best!’

It starts with commitment.  And it’s not easy. But in the journey of life, the pursuit of personal excellence is a fundamental aspect that shapes not only individual destinies but also the fabric of society. Striving to be the very best 'you' is a commitment to self-improvement, relentless dedication, and the pursuit of extraordinary achievements. We often think of famous figures – perhaps athletes – who strive to be the very best.  But the truth is that any of us – in whatever role we play – can dedicate ourselves to the quest for extraordinary performance. 

History is replete with examples of individuals who have devoted themselves to excellence, leaving an indelible mark on the world.  For instance, Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc., whose relentless pursuit of perfection in design and innovation revolutionized the technology industry. Jobs' commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and refusal to settle for mediocrity are testament to the transformative power of personal dedication.

Yet, it's essential to recognize that dedication to excellence is not limited to high-profile professions. Everyday heroes in seemingly ordinary roles also embody the spirit of personal achievement. The skilled plumber, ensuring the seamless functioning of essential utilities, or the vigilant crossing guard, safeguarding the lives of schoolchildren, are unsung champions of their domains. Equally, the devoted mother managing the complexities of family life or the diligent receptionist maintaining organizational harmony contributes immeasurably to the collective tapestry of success.

To achieve one's very best self, individuals often adopt certain practices that set them apart. One key practice is the cultivation of a growth mindset. Embracing challenges, learning from failures, and persistently seeking opportunities for improvement are hallmarks of those who attain personal excellence. Additionally, effective time management, setting realistic goals, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance are crucial for sustained success.

Furthermore, fostering resilience in the face of setbacks is a common trait. The ability to bounce back from failures, learn from experiences, and adapt to change contributes significantly to achieving the very best version of oneself. Seeking mentorship and surrounding oneself with a supportive network also plays a pivotal role in personal growth, providing guidance and encouragement during challenging times.

So, as you think about your own life, why not ask yourself – what’s my special role?  My purpose? And then, whatever the answer - get excited about it – and set about to make yourself the very best you can possibly be.  If you do this, you are almost certain to feel a sense of pride growing within you – and a self-fulfilling prophecy takes hold.  The virtuous circle is put in motion, and you find yourself on the way to being the very best ‘you’ that you can possibly be!

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Positive Profile of the Week: NH Secretary of State – David Scanlan

This week, we are delighted to highlight a leader who truly exemplifies a commitment to ‘being the very best’ - New Hampshire’s 54th Secretary of State, David Scanlan, as our ‘Profile of the week.’

In New Hampshire, the Secretary of State plays a vital role in our elections. The Secretary oversees the electoral process, ensuring that the primary runs smoothly and fairly.  The Secretary also manages candidate filings, election laws, voter registration, and overall administration.  Moreover, the eyes of the nation focus on New Hampshire every four years – during our First in the Nation Presidential Primary.  And, as such, we here in the Granite State are committed to doing the very best job we can to ensure that it is a success.  Thankfully, David Scanlan is at the helm and leading the effort to further solidify New Hampshire’s reputation for a fair and honest primary election that is executed flawlessly time after time.


As you may know, the New Hampshire primary has a long history dating back to 1916. New Hampshire passed a law in 1913 requiring a direct vote for presidential nominees, leading to its primary status. And our primary gained prominence in 1920 when it became the first primary in the nation.  Since then, every four years, our primary has played a pivotal role in the direction of our nation. 


And, thankfully, we have a man of David Scanlan’s knowledge and expertise to continue to guide the process.   David has a keen understanding of government – developed through years of highly relevant experience attained prior to his tenure in the top job.  Very importantly, David served as Deputy Secretary for a number of years – working closely with the legendary Bill Gardner, the longest serving Secretary of State in the nation.  Like myself, David served in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, and in his case, rising to the role of Majority Leader and helping the chamber in a bipartisan fashion to tackle some of the state’s toughest issues.


To be the best, you need to strive for excellence. David Scanlan does just that and truly is ‘the best,’ preserving the importance of the New Hampshire Presidential Primary and ensuring that the commitment to open and honest government is being fully and faithfully executed.

Quote of the Week

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will."

- Vince Lombardi

Jay Lucas |

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