Dear John,
We’re in the midst of a crisis on the scale few of us have ever seen. A pandemic has gripped the world, throwing so much of our lives into chaos. Thousands of people are sick, and working people are bearing the brunt of this outbreak such as health care workers and grocery store employees, who are on the front lines of this crisis. And we cannot forget the service industry workers, caregivers, gig workers, and so many others who don’t know when they’ll get their next paycheck.
In this moment, it is so important for us to come together and ensure that no matter what happens next, working people have what they need to survive the coming days, weeks, and perhaps months. We deserve to have control over what’s done with our money as we figure out how to prevent economic collapse.
That’s why we’re announcing the Jobs With Justice Unified Action Team, where activists like you can sign up to take action locally, nationally, online, and offline as we navigate through the murky waters ahead.