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I have made public discourse and feedback a hallmark of my first year in Congress. I have hosted over 25 town halls, listening sessions, and telephone town halls. I visited hundreds of towns and had thousands of conversations with families, farmers, and small businesses.
From these conversations, I have been empowered to carry Upstate New York’s unique voice in Congress and advocate for solutions to the challenges facing our community.

It has been my honor to serve, and that's why I am running for reelection. To continue listening, learning and fighting for you.
Watch my new ad here!
I am proud of my record, taking action to:

✅ Vote in favor of the Lower Energy Costs Act

✅ Back a bill to push Albany to ditch bail reform

✅ Pass my own legislation to prevent our children's schools from being used as migrant shelters

✅ Fought for more funding to expand mental health and substance use disorder treatment

✅ Supported infrastructure projects to improve water quality and safeguard our national treasures

✅ Pledged to vote against my own party if they tried to cut Social Security
But there's lots of work still to be done.

I see and hear it every day from Upstate New Yorkers.

Our border is in chaos. New York leads the nation in population loss. Inflation is still out of control...

We need a government and policies that reflects our people. So as long as I am fortunate enough to represent Upstate NY in Congress, I will continue listening, learning and leading.
Watch my new ad here!

My opponent and DC Elites are spending millions to try and buy this seat. Will you help ensure Upstate has the representation we deserve?

Chip in today. Every dollar makes a difference!
Paid for by Marc for US Inc.
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