Your right to vote is sacred, but you could lose that right if we don’t fight back and win at the Supreme Court.
The U.S. Supreme Court will decide if state officials and bureaucrats can unilaterally strip away your right to vote for the candidate of your choice because they decide someone is “disqualified.” The answer is clearly no, but the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that President Trump must be removed from the ballot, creating a true constitutional crisis.
If we lose our right to vote, we lose our constitutional republic. That’s why this is the most important case we’ve EVER taken on at the Supreme Court.
It is the biggest election case the Court has ever heard, and our deadline to file our first brief is next week. We not only represent the Colorado GOP in this vital case but also the voting interests of millions of Americans.
Whatever the Supreme Court decides in this case WILL IMPACT YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE.
I’m working with our senior legal team to finalize our most important Supreme Court brief ever. Now we need you to urgently take action with us before next week’s looming Supreme Court deadline.
Defend your sacred right to vote. Save our constitutional republic. Join our U.S. Supreme Court fight today.
Sign: Defend Your Right To Vote at the Supreme Court.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel