Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress

Friends, did you know that our average online gift from supporters like you is $34?

With so much big money in politics, Nikki is proud to run a campaign that’s sustained by support from grassroots donors chipping in a few dollars at a time because she doesn’t want to be accountable to special interest groups — she wants to work for you.

So while the GOP relies on billionaires to write them million-dollar checks, our campaign is fueled by every $5, $10, or $34 donation that adds up to keep Nikki fighting to expand access to good-paying union jobs, secure benefits for veterans, and deliver for working families.

Even though National Republicans may have a fundraising advantage, we know we can reelect Nikki, flip the House majority, and keep fighting for progress, one grassroots contribution at a time.

So folks, will you pitch in $10, $25, or our average donation of $34 to power our reelection campaign’s fight through Election Day?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

Team Nikki