![]() Dear Fellow Patriot, We don’t know how bad the coronavirus will truly get.But after forty plus years in Congress fighting for liberty, I can tell you bureaucrats and politicians in BOTH parties salivate at the prospect of citizens gripped by fear and panic. They think they’ll be hailed as “saviors” if they just do “everything they can” -- words that should make every liberty-loving Americans shudder! If you’re anything like me, you’re leery whenever statist politicians and their pals in the global bureaucratic elite insist they must enact endless “emergency” measures to “save” us from anything -- especially when many of those same statists and elites are determined to seize any opportunity to advance their own agendas. Sadly, our national media goes right along pushing for more, more, more! Just look around . . . from the Great Lakes to the Gulf Coast, local governments are claiming BLATANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL “emergency” powers to ban firearm and ammunition sales amid the hysteria. Meanwhile, governors in state after state demand businesses close, shutter schools, restrict travel, even suspend elections, and effectively prohibit religious gatherings. All the while, the Washington, D.C. “Swamp” is racing to out-authoritarian and out-Socialist everyone, with new demands on phone and Internet companies to help them snoop on citizens, unlimited government spending on Keynesian “stimulus,” and an orgy of Federal Reserve bailouts for the global financial elite. Where is all this money going to come from? Even before Congress’ latest spending spree, the national debt had ballooned to over $23 TRILLION under the economic myth they can spend and spend without consequence because the Federal Reserve can simply print the money out of thin air without anyone suffering the slightest when the bills must be paid. They’re dead wrong. And those problems will far outlast the coronavirus. With your help (including completing the petition to Congress I’ve prepared for you) today, Campaign for Liberty is ready to take the battle to the heart of the government’s wrecking of our economy -- the Federal Reserve itself. Just think about the scope of all the Federal Reserve system wrought in just the handful of months prior to this coronavirus panic. The amount of wealth the Fed has stolen from taxpayers would be more than enough for Americans to weather the fallout from coronavirus -- no stimulus needed. The reality is, coronavirus exposed the economic rot the Federal Reserve system created by abandoning sound money in favor of fiat currency and their raw power to meddle in our economy. If the Fed quit meddling, we’d have true price discovery, markets would naturally stabilize, and the purchasing power of our dollars wouldn’t be so easily squandered away. What’s more, the global financial elites would find it much tougher to plunder our wealth. I’d say that’s pretty big incentive for them to spread panic and encourage arguably premature “emergency” measures in many areas to grind the nation to a halt and cover their tracks. After each financial disaster, the Fed assures us it’d be “enough this time,” and they’d soon ween the financial elites off the “monetary morphine!” But as almost anyone could have predicted, they weren’t about to. As a doctor, I can tell you morphine is one of the most dangerous and addictive substances known to man. First, just a little of the opiate masks a patient's pain. But then, addicts crave more and more until overdoses result in death. Fellow Patriot, the Fed has tried hard to mask many of our economic problems for years. And today, there’s no hiding there are major problems. But instead of doing the hard work to get clean, the financial elites decided to go on a bender when things began looking dire. The Fed has pumped $9 TRILLION in “loans” to their Wall Street cronies, since just last September and the supposed “technical glitch” in the repo markets. And with no end in sight, the Fed’s bailout sheet now stands at $4.2 trillion! For perspective -- the entire annual federal budget is “ONLY” $4 trillion! If that weren’t enough, over the last week, they cut rates to ZERO, and announced they’d pump another $1.5 trillion PER DAY and plow full steam ahead putting Lord knows what kind of garbage on the Fed’s bailout sheet. If they actually spend all the money they’ve committed to, they’ll surpass half of the entire $23 TRILLION national debt by May. It’s insanity. Who’s gobbling up all this money? The Fed won’t tell you and me, and they won’t tell members of Congress. And they don’t have to -- unless you and I pass my Audit the Fed bill to shine a spotlight on the Fed’s actions and cut through the darkness they use to shroud them from the public eye. That’s why, now more than ever. . . It’s absolutely vital you sign the Audit the Fed petition I’ve prepared for you insisting that your U.S. Representative cosponsor H.R. 24, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. I designed this bill to remove restrictions on Congress’ ability to know what the Federal Reserve is doing to -- and with -- our money. Under current law, the Federal Reserve can conduct its own foreign policy in complete secrecy independent of the Executive Branch by making deals and lending money to foreign central banks and governments. How can an entity as powerful as the Federal Reserve operate with no accountability? Congress created the Federal Reserve -- and our elected representatives need to take back their ability to conduct informed oversight. Without the authorization to conduct a full and thorough audit of the Federal Reserve, politicians are just fumbling around in the dark in their oversight role. And with their vast power, the unelected, unaccountable, and secretive Federal Reserve holds our economic fates in their hands -- as well as our nation’s political future. Worse, their feeding on the coronavirus panic could become a vicious, if not fatal, circle. This will not only send our economy veering toward total collapse -- but it will give the statists worldwide all the ammunition they need to clamp down on individual liberty. That’s why I’m counting on you to please sign the “AUDIT THE FED NOW!” petition I’ve prepared for you right away. The good news is, thanks to the action of good folks like you, we’re building momentum. In fact, U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie’s House version is now up to 98 cosponsors after Campaign for Liberty added nearly 30 House cosponsors through targeted online ads and grassroots mobilization efforts. But the fact is, we have to do more. And FAST. Your signed petition is absolutely critical to our efforts to pass Audit the Fed. But I hope you won’t stop there. Please share this message with everyone you know . . . friends, family, and business associates. Ask them all to sign the petition. Then, if possible, I hope you’ll consider pitching in with a contribution to help Campaign for Liberty generate the type of massive grassroots uprising that politicians can’t ignore. I know a lot’s been asked of Campaign for Liberty supporters like you lately. But the impact of even a modest contribution of $10 today could make all the difference. Unlike the Fed, I can’t just snap my fingers and create money out of thin air. Campaign for Liberty depends on the generosity of good folks like you for everything we do -- and it’s times like these that make me most concerned nothing will stop our nation’s slide toward more authoritarianism without it. I truly believe we can finally Audit the Fed and hold off the financial disaster that’s headed our way. But only with your help. So please sign your petition to your U.S. Representative, share this message as widely as possible, and pitch in with a gift in any amount you choose if you possibly can! Please act at once. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. The truth is, the coronavirus exposed the rot that comes with abandoning sound money and handing our nation’s future over to the central bankers at the Federal Reserve -- but it didn’t create it. We don’t know the ultimate toll it will take, but the statist politicians and global elites are using it for more draconian crackdowns on freedom. And to top it all off, they’re insisting it will all end with just some more of the Fed’s economic meddling that put us in this situation to begin with.You and I both know it won’t. With your help today, Campaign for Liberty is going after the heart of the statists’ and global elites’ power base -- the Federal Reserve itself. So please sign the petition I’ve prepared for you urging your U.S. Representative to cosponsor Audit the Fed. And if possible, please consider pitching in with a generous contribution and help spread this message as widely as you can today! |