Seriously?For goodness sake.At the risk of being labeled “racist”, it might be worthwhile to mention that there’s an old method of causing physical and mental distress called The Chinese Water Torture. It was deceptively simple,

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‘If I Get Corona, I Get Corona’: Viral Video Shows Large Numbers Still Flocking To Miami For Spring Break

By Dan Montanaro | 19 Mar 2020

It seems for some, a terrible virus is no excuse for cancelling spring break plans in Miami, at least according to those seen in a viral video uploaded to YouTube Wednesday...

Truth or Propaganda? China Says Japanese Flu Drug 'Clearly Effective' in Treating Coronavirus

By Nick Kangadis | 19 Mar 2020

Who knows what to believe coming out of China anymore? Their communist government has only come out with positive news or statements condemning others for their own misdeeds. In the real world, we have...

Celebs Use Communist Anthem 'Imagine' to Promote Unity During Pandemic Caused by Communist Chinese Gov't

By Nick Kangadis | 19 Mar 2020

Look, I'm not trying to crap all over the sentiment from some in Hollywood calling for unity during a time like this. Some of them may genuinely want that. But, others definitely know the...

'Shameful': CNN's Stelter Slams 'Tiny Cable Channel' OANN Reporter For Saying Media Have 'Teamed Up With Chinese Communist Party Narratives'

By Brittany M. Hughes | 19 Mar 2020

CNN Host Brian Stelter slammed OANN reporter Chanel Rion for openly claiming during a White House briefing Thursday that the liberal media have “teamed up with Chinese communist party narratives” to push the idea...


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CNN has used the COVID-19 virus to misreport, book outrageously deceptive guests, and perpetuate lies.


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