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Hi John -- Congresswoman Sara Jacobs here, asking you to support my friend Joanna Weiss.

I’m so excited to endorse Joanna for Congress in CA-47. Joanna is a phenomenal community leader and organizer, and I know she's the candidate we need to beat back Republican extremism in November.

Reproductive rights and climate action are on the ballot this year, and Joanna is a proven champion for both. We need her voice in Congress, we need to hold off Republican extremism, and we can’t afford to lose more women in our ranks!

In order to retake the House majority and give our communities the representation they deserve, we need to elect Joanna and defeat the national Republicans eyeing this seat.

Can I count on you to join me in supporting Joanna with a $3 donation today?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
$10 $35
$50 $100
$250 OTHER

Thank you,
