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John, you learn a lot of lessons from growing up as a farm kid—more than I can count on my fingers.

Like pickin’ rock: the dreaded childhood chore of painstakingly removing rocks from the field and tossing them into the bed of a truck. I’ll be honest, doing this as a kid was a pain. But it taught me humility, patience, and persistence.

I also learned early that if something’s broke, fix it then and there. When you’ve got a harvest on the line, you can’t sit around all day and wait for things to fix themselves.

Same goes for my work in Washington. Getting things done isn’t easy when both sides can barely work together—but with persistence and determination, I was recognized for passing more bills than any of my colleagues in Congress.

I’m not interested in cozying up to special interests. I’m here to work for veterans, hardworking families, and folks like you, John. I’ll keep fighting for the issues you care about, but I need your help to keep at it:

Please, click this link or the buttons below to chip in and fuel my grassroots campaign. Our success in November depends on how you show up today >>

Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue.

Your support means a lot to me. Thanks for everything,




As a third-generation Montanan and the U.S. Senate’s only working dirt farmer, Jon Tester is committed to protecting the Montana way of life.

In the Senate, Jon takes his cues from the rural communities, veterans, and working families that elected him—not special interests or super PACs.

That’s why we’re counting on you to help reelect Jon and keep him fighting for rural communities in the Senate. Click here to chip in and fuel our grassroots campaign >>