Take Action Now!


Like you, we at America’s Voice are concerned over the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We have been monitoring reports closely and taking all necessary steps to ensure our communities are as well-informed and safe as possible. 

Despite everything else going on, our work to help the immigrant community continues.

Many lives have been disrupted during the ongoing pandemic: workers have been let go from jobs and families have been asked to isolate themselves from friends and loved ones. Some have already lost family members. If you’re able to help others in this time of crisis, here are a few options we suggest:

President Trump and his administration are using the Coronavirus threat to point the finger at immigrants. He has referred to the pandemic as “the Chinese virus” and has closed the southern border to asylum seekers, even though they have nothing to do with the virus.

Trump’s words and actions promote xenophobia rather than do anything to help stem the public health crisis. Reports show that the Trump Administration had ample time to prepare for Coronavirus and didn’t. They didn’t listen to warnings, didn’t allow early testing, and didn’t allocate money for research and medical resources.

As our Executive Director Frank Sharry said, “This is a public health crisis needing a multidimensional public health response in our cities and  states. It is not a border crisis calling for Trump’s go-to-playbook of nativist policies and divide-and-distract policies.”

Immigrants are NOT a health threat and have nothing to do with the Coronavirus. They are the farmworkers, housekeepers, grocery store employees, and health care workers who are helping us to get through this difficult time.




Now is the time to unite and come together. Regardless of where we come from or what we look like, we’re all in this together. Division and finger-pointing are not the proper response to a national crisis. Together, we WILL get through this. 

America’s Voice will continue to monitor the situation and provide you with news, tools, and resources. Please stay tuned.

In the meantime, please remember to wash your hands, practice social distancing, and continue to follow federal guidelines to stay safe and healthy. 

In unity, 



P.S. Please fill out your census TODAY. Everyone needs to be counted.



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