Dear John,
The core of our democracy is the right to vote—a privilege and
responsibility that shapes our nation. That’s why we, at Republican
HQ, are reaching out to engaged citizens like you to address a
critical issue: the question of whether non-citizens should be
granted the right to vote in US elections.
We believe in the sanctity of the voting process, a sentiment we're
confident you share. It’s not just about the act of casting a ballot,
but about ensuring that every vote comes from a place of informed
citizenship, carrying the weight of American values and the future of
our communities.
Current debates have brought this issue to the forefront, and it's
time we take a clear stance. Your voice is not just valuable; it is crucial
in guiding the direction of our nation's policies.
Let's stand together for a democratic process that reflects the
integrity and principles of our Republic. Please, participate
in our flash poll today and make your stance known:
Your immediate response will feed into a dynamic, strategic
conversation that has far-reaching implications. As someone who
understands the nuances of our electoral system and the importance of
civic responsibility, your contribution to this dialogue is
Take a moment to cast your vote and add your voice to the choir of
patriots determined to uphold the merits of our electoral system. By
participating, you're taking an active role in preserving our
democracy and ensuring its future resilience.
Thank you for your unwavering dedication to our democratic
principles and for your active participation in this crucial
political discussion. Together, we will continue to champion a
fair and just electoral process.
Director, NCGOP