Our work is deadly and dangerous. But to truly end the torture and horror of cockfighting, we cannot rest. We MUST keep SHARK’s surveillance drones in the air!
The roosters and tiny chicks have no one else but us to help them.
Your caring donation now – whatever you can give! – is literally a lifeline.
The generosity you show will help purchase critical, custom-equipped surveillance drones that can run upwards of $14,700. Plus, controllers for the drones that cost nearly $2,000 each — and high-resolution cameras used by our undercover teams for in-pit footage.
We also need as many $369 recharging stations and special flight batteries as we can afford to purchase, and high-capacity video cards in bulk, at $50 per card, to capture fight footage that is CRUCIAL EVIDENCE in sharing with federal authorities and major media.
Whether you donate $50... $500... $1,000... or more, EVERY dollar you donate makes a massive difference because EVERY compassionate dollar directly defends against cruelty.
And as a friend to SHARK — as someone who believes in and supports our vital mission of SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness, all animals! — you KNOW we will not quit.
In California...Arkansas...Oklahoma...Alabama, and other places... as you read these words, cockfighting events and the suffering they bring continue.
We urgently need your help and your love today to shut them down.
For all the roosters and chicks who deserve so much better, please donate.
Thank you for always SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness — and thank you for whatever you are able to donate.