Call them out:
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Anti-abortion politicians have shown that they'd rather ban abortion than pay for school lunches.

They'd rather ban abortion than fund health care, child care, or education.

Right now, just days ahead of a key deadline to fund the government and avert a shutdown, these politicians are still hellbent on attacking abortion, birth control, and gender‑affirming care through essential must-pass spending bills.

It's time for Congress to get to work and end the attacks on sexual and reproductive health care.

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And when your entire ideology is about controlling people and punishing them for their health care decisions… every bill becomes a weapon to advance that dangerous agenda.

That's why attacks on sexual and reproductive health care across the country and around the world are showing up in spending bills being pushed by the anti‑abortion House majority. The politicians who have brought us — AGAIN! — to the brink of a government shutdown are willing to cause any amount of damage to get their way.

Send a message loud and clear: Stop the attacks on sexual and reproductive health care!

Let's be clear: The American public overwhelmingly supports sexual and reproductive care, including abortion. We won't accept these attempts to force their political agenda on essential spending bills.

We need to make sure they know it.
Take Action
Thanks for speaking out.

Jenny Lawson, Vice President of Organizing and Electoral Campaigns
Planned Parenthood Action Fund
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