Every time I see a new attack on abortion rights and women’s reproductive freedoms, I think of my dad.


Every time I see a new attack on abortion rights and women’s reproductive freedoms, I think of my dad.

For the first few years of my life, my family lived on an Indian reservation in Northern Montana. Dad was an OB-GYN – in the years before Roe v. Wade

Years later, Dad recounted how he saw patients that came from all walks of life. Black, brown, and white. Younger and older. Rich and poor. And just as many Republicans walked through his doors as did Democrats.

Looking back, having a father who provided women with access to health care – especially at a time when so many were being denied the right – really shaped how I think about the issue.

My dad is in his 80’s and retired now, but for years, he helped train the next generation of health care providers at Planned Parenthood. And my sister, who later also became an OB-GYN, is continuing on his legacy.

Extremists like Lauren Boebert want you to think that women having the freedom to make their own medical decisions is some extreme idea. It’s not.

What’s extreme is pushing a bill in Congress that would make all abortions illegal – including in cases of rape or incest – and wanting to ban a medication that’s been approved for decades for abortions and miscarriages.

Boebert’s views are a fringe one – supported by people who think that the government should be dictating women’s medical decisions, instead of allowing women the freedom to make choices with their doctor.

I would have thought that after almost losing her seat in Congress last year, Lauren Boebert might have at least pretended to moderate on this issue. But she’s only doubled down on the extreme.

Only 546 votes separated Lauren Boebert and me in 2022, and I’m ready to finish the job in 2024 by replacing her in Congress.

Please, if you’re able to, will you consider chipping in to my campaign today to help me replace Lauren Boebert in Congress? Our race was the closest in the country, but I’m not taking money from corporate PACs. I’m counting on grassroots donors like you if I’m going to win.

Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

Thank you for letting me share some of my story with you.

With gratitude -